How to cut plasterboard

How to cut plasterboard

Plasterboard is quite fragile material, so it needs to be careful. If you incorrectly cut it, then in the end you are guaranteed a material overrun. Cut the sheet in the desired way, subject to the competent selection of the working tool. So, what to cut drywall?

To begin with, prepare a building knife. Also, if necessary, this tool can be replaced with a stationery knife, which is intended for cutting paper, in contrast to its more massive "relative", which is responsible for cutting solid materials.

The advantages that you get when working with a metal construction knife:

  • It has a sharp thin blade, which in one touch cuts the paper layer and without much effort dumped the material.
  • During operation, no power supplies are required, for example, electricity, so it is convenient to use it on a new construction site, where communications have not yet been done.
  • The low price of the knife and its blades, which is sold in any construction store for a little money - the order of a couple of tens of rubles.
  • This is a very mobile tool.

However, certain inconveniences are possible - cut off drywall exactly not so simple. We will have to draw a line on a sheet using a metal line or guide, and make preliminary cuts, only after such manipulations you can cut a sheet of GLC. To do this, spend on the planned line several times with a knife to cut a layer of cardboard and a little plaster - about 1 mm. Position the rubber on the edge of the table and hit it to break down. The edges of the coated piece will have to be cleaned with a planer.

Hoven for metal - the second most popular tool for cutting plasterboard. It has a thin blade and can very carefully cut off the sheet, almost without forming dust. Used mainly to create a square or rectangular renewal. To begin with the line of the cut on the back side of the sheet, after the material can be placed on any smooth surface, for example, the table so that it is not located on the weight. Pilate according to the designated line without a rush, constantly monitors so that the housing of the hackski does not pass by chance in the material. The blade of the hacksaw should be perpendicular to the leaf. To make the edges of a more flat look use a planer.

Often, an electric tool called Electrolovka and high-quality milling metal with a small tooth is used to cut the drywall, which guarantees the formation of a smaller number of chips on the booming sheet of HCL. The most important advantage of this tool is a big performance, compared with the knife, which in an hour you will maximize 3-4 sheets. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend its physical strength, the electrolybiz will do everything himself, you just should keep the material. With it, it is easy to create rounded shapes and curved lines, which will not be able to make a hacksaw. Note on a sheet of the cut line on the sheet and place the material on 2 stools so that the trait is located in the free space between them, then it only remains to cut off the plasterboard with an electroll bison. To cut the circle, first drill the hole so that you can drop the jigsaw there, and then cut around the circle. When using this tool, remember that there will be many plaster dust.

Sufficient productivity is distinguished by the method of cutting of drywall with a circulation saw. However, at the same time a lot of dust is formed, and in obligatory should be stockpons and protective mask, as gypsum particles are able to settle in the lungs, provoking unpleasant consequences.

In addition, when cutting drywall, you will need additional tools and devices that we now consider:

  1. Roulette. Take it, the length of which is at least 3 m.
  2. Pencil. Use sharply compatible.
  3. Metal ruler. It is better to take an authentic. It is possible to replace it with a metal profile or rule for plastering.
  4. Plane. This professional tool will be needed to process the cut edge on the cut-down plasterboard sheet.
  5. Crowns on a drill to create round cuts for sockets and wires.

When cutting drywall, the question naturally arises, and what to reveal the profile for him. When choosing a tool, pay attention to the fact that it is made of metal. For its dipping, it is used for the metal or a jigsaw knob, which has a steel leg. Scissors for metal are also suitable. Sawing guides, you can especially not try to make a smooth speaker, as the profile will be hidden from the eyes.

The use of drywall in the interior is considered a rational solution, despite a sufficiently specific procedure for cutting this material. With a competent approach to the choice of instruments, you will succeed not only to cut a large sheet into pieces smaller, but also create all kinds of curvilinear elements.

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