How to make a cough pellet?

How to make a cough pellet?

Cold and viral diseases begin to appear with the arrival of cold and frosts. The patient has a temperature increase, runny nose and cough. Proponents of traditional medicine have long been inclined to the method of treating cough by making cords and apply them as a compress. How to do and correctly use the folk medicine, described in detail in our article.

Rules for the use of "Medicinal Lepsek

Many parents note that the use of such a tortilla contributed to the speedy recovery of their Chad. Already after the first application, it is noted that the cough becomes not so pronounced and less worried about the sick person, especially in the evening and night time. The main rules for the use of folk medicine include:

  • you can use adults and children from 1 year;
  • no need to use a cake, if the patient has individual intolerance to the component component (for example, honey, ginger, etc.);
  • allowed to use both for dry and wet cough;
  • it is not recommended to apply a cake when the body temperature above 37.5 (since the folk remedy has a warming effect, it can even increase the temperature);
  • on the chest and back of the patient should not be open wounds, ulotniki, rash;
  • before using the tortillas, it is necessary to test the test for portability (a small amount of folk medicine hold on with an elbow bending 10 min., If you are not observed redness or swelling, it is allowed to use a tortilla);
  • the location where the cake will be attached is recommended to lubricate with fatty children's cream, sunflower or olive oil;
  • for the effectiveness of the cake, it must be kept from 2 or more hours (can also be left overnight).

Cough cake (easy way)

Such a cake is recommended by the patient with bronchitis. To reduce the symptoms of the disease and speedy recovery, the compress must be installed at the first sign of the ailment.

What will take:

  • wheat or rye flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • a small segment of gauze;
  • leucoplasty.

If honey managed to suck himself, it must be melt in a water bath.

  • 1 step - in the container mix flour with honey, mix thoroughly (since flour from different manufacturers has different quality, it is impossible to specify its exact number, it is necessary to focus on the resulting consistency);
  • 2 step - we begin to the "test" of the test, continue until the honey stops to absorb flour (you should have a sufficiently thick dough, like a mass of modeling);
  • 3 step - to form a pellet, 1 cm thick;
  • 4 step - to wrap a cake into one layer of gauze and fasten the patient on the chest using a patch.

During the use of such a compression, the patient should be in the lying position, covered with a warm blanket.

Potato cough cake

People's Lekari consider potato tubers one of the best means to combat colds, bronchitis and angina.

What will take:

  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium size;
  • liquid honey - 1.5 tbsp.

Such a cake is recommended to use even breast children.

  • 1 step - boil potatoes in uniforms and cool;
  • 2 step - clean the tubers from the peel, crowded and connect with honey;
  • 3 step - mix and shape a cake.

The finished "medicine" wrap in gauze and apply to the destination.

Cough cake with ginger

Ginger has long established itself as a powerful remedy for many diseases, including viral. The pellet, which includes ginger, is called a folk antibiotic.

What will take:

  • ginger root;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • hammer cinnamon - 0.5 ppm

Such a cake is recommended to children not under 5 years.

  • 1 step - rub the root of ginger on a fine grater, with the help of gauze squeeze juice (it will take 1 tbsp.);
  • 2 step - to combine flour, cinnamon, ginger juice and honey, start the cakes of the pellet;
  • 3 step - if the "dough" is obtained liquid, add some more flour.

Remember that cakes are an additional helper for the treatment of cough.

Comments leave a comment
Ruslana 02/05/2019 at 22:37

They did not help us, maybe of course did not do something right. It met before the complications began, bronchitis ((( ((

Diana 03/26/22020 at 20:19

Oh, never did such cakes. Who did? Tell me the result, how does it help? I always do everything on the advice of the doctor. Brichobos in the syrup was prescribed to us for the last time, I liked it, it tastes pleasant and for children from three years you can already.


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