How to make a compost bunch

How to make a compost bunch

For experienced gardeners and gardeners, it will not be a sensation that to improve the quality of the soil. It is necessary to fertilize it and fertilizer organic type are suitable for this purpose. For those who do not know, to such waste - leaves, grass, food, fertilizers, etc. Let's talk more in more detail today, how to make a compost pit on your site, and that for this you need to know.

Essence of a compost heap

Little just to dump all existing waste into one bunch and wait until they turn into a valuable fertilizer for your land. In fact, the effectiveness of fertilizers depends largely on how correctly the compost bunch will be formed.

To begin with, let's find out what, in principle, it represents a compost bunch. In fact, a bunch of compost type is an embankment of organic-type fertilizer, which is obtained as a result of the processes of decomposition of organic waste, residues. The process in question occurs due to the participation of microorganisms in this action.

You also need to immediately tell in inexperienced or novice gardeners and gardens that you cannot form a compost bunch for several days, and you can use these fertilizers only a few years later, so that it is impossible to call such a process. If it is easier to speak, then for fertilizer we need humus, which can happen a couple of years after the formation of a compost heap.

Do not think that it will be necessary too much time to form fertilizer. Because it is such a fertilizer very quickly and efficiently to restore all the initial properties of the soil, and this is expensive, because the yield will depend on this factor, as well as the flowering of your land.

An independent formation of a compost heap is an excellent cheap option for obtaining high-quality and very effective fertilizer. It should be noted that the purchase of fertilizer today is a deal not from cheap, so while you form a bunch and buy fertilizer, but when humus will be ready, you will save a large amount of cash.

We form a compost pile

First of all, let's decide with you from what a bunch should be consisting of, that is, what exactly should be included in its composition. The best components for the compost heap will be:

  • Vegetable remnants. This includes grass, roots of plants, various kinds of weeds of the same fallen leaves.
  • All that remains in the plates after the completion of the meal. It can be purified from fruits, vegetables and other products, also egg shell, coffee thickness and much more, including crumbs, etc.
  • Wood and all that is done from it, including paper.
  • Fekalia of animal origin (litter of chickens, pine feces, etc.)
  • Peat - Excellent component for compost heap

If you think, at what time of year to start composting waste, then all seasons are suitable for this, except for winter. You also need to not forget that the efficiency of the residual composting also depends on how small they will be, so if there are some large pieces, it is better to crush or crushed.

As soon as the rotation process begins (it is needed and is natural), a bunch automatically warms up, that is, it becomes warm (which is why animals in winter love to warm the will of such a heap and sleep on it. After that, the process of changing the structure of everything in a pile, bacteria occurs. As well as various fungi, which appear inside the heaps make these processes much faster.

Remember, in no case do not need to put such components in the compost pile:

  • Cabbage
  • Plants that are sick
  • Synthetic type fabric
  • Neorganic trash
  • Top from such cultures like potatoes or tomatoes
  • Skirts from citrus
  • Waste meat origin

It should be understood that the above components will be highlighted in the process of rotting very unpleasant, you can even say the stench smell, and insects and rats with mice are very quickly running on such odors. So, remove yourself from the uninvited, unattended guests, from which to get rid of will be even more difficult than from the salty that will come from a heap.

Rules of compost formation

In order for the expectations to be justified, you received a quality compost, it is necessary to "collect" a bunch of specific rules that the following says:

  • Before putting something to a compost bunch, you need to make sure that this component will be appropriate in this case and has a small size (it is best to grind all the ingredients for a heap).
  • Do not forget that all components must be proportional to each other. The ideal proportion is one part of the mass of green and five poor fiber.

We form a bunch:

  • First choose a place for a compost heap and make a fence, because a bunch will keep the form only if there is a special "fence" around it. It is best to make a fence from the tree.
  • We lay out the material for composting layers, and not just throwing it on a pouch, it is also a very important point. It is better to alternate the waste of a large fraction with waste of shallow fraction, a green layer trail behind brown, etc.
  • When all these stages are made and a pile is ready for further overload. It is necessary to pour the ground on top of it, a small layer, centimeters 6-7, and then it is not too densely tight with an earthen layer of straw and from above.
  • It should be understood that a bunch must be breathing in obligatory, so that the holes in the fence around it are required, but with all this, it should be protected from rainfall from the outside because they will moisturize a bunch and the rotation process will switch to the process of posting.

Thus, you will get an excellent compost bunch, the material from which you can use a couple of years. It is this humus that will be salvation even for the poorest and exhausted soil, so that, for this it is worth work hard and make such a bunch.

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