How to make a compost box?

How to make a compost box?

It is clear that a person who has a cottage plot or land near a private house always concerns the question of soil fertility. After all, this will directly depend on how good it will be harvest. If the Earth itself fertile is certainly good, but such a factor as fertility is exhausted and it is necessary to take measures to restore the high fertility. In this case, it's just not to do without compost, which is an excellent fertilizer for any soil. Let's look at how to make a compost box with your own hands, and find out why he is generally needed.

Application of a compost box

A compost box is necessary in order to be able to fold various organic type waste, because afterwards. It is a compost that can be fertilized by land, thereby increasing its yield. Agree, it is much more practical and more convenient than to take all this garbage on landfills, which are always located outside the settlement.

It is possible to store compost as in the box that will need to be made specifically for waste or in the pit. Experienced gardeners and summer residents are sure that it is a box that is a more practical device in this case, because:

  • Its aesthetics at a high level and it will not spoil the whole view of the country or land.
  • On the surface of the inspected box, you can equip a garden on which you can grow zucchini or patissons.
  • Unlike the pit, water does not accumulate in the box, so plants are composed of operational mode.
  • The finished humus is very easy to get from the box (from the pit this process is much more complicated).

Preparatory work

First you need to choose the right place for the compost box. First of all, in such a place there should be a lot of shadows, so that the straight sunlights do not come there at all. It should be understood that organic compounds rot on the sun very quickly, and our goal is completely different.

After the place is selected, proceed with the choice of material for the box under consideration. Immediately note that everything is much easier with the compost jama - I took a shovel, and everything, but we need an optimal result, which is why it will be necessary to pay more attention and its forces to the process.

Compost drawers can be made from different materials, the most common of which are:

  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • From barrel

Each of these materials has its advantages, so you need to study all possible options in order for sure to determine the material.

There are a number of nuances that need to be considered in the independent manufacture of a compost drawer:

  • In the box, which you will construct, mandatory on the sides must be done by the holes so that oxygen flows to the compost, because it is precisely the main criterion for the right "maturation" of the compost.
  • The lid must also be built on the box that all weather conditions, including rains and snow, could not wash all the necessary substances and elements from our drawer. If you were not going to make the lid and consider it too costly, then you can buy a piece of thick cellophane and cover your drawer to them.
  • When constructing the design under consideration, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the lower layers in the compost box are ripening faster, so if necessary, you need access, first of all, it is to the lower layers in the compost box.
  • If you decide to save on the construction of this box, then instead of mounted loops, you can use various kinds of gum, which will be attached to some details to the other.
  • Some craftsmen make the present box with finished pallets and are not particularly bothering about this. In this case, the design is very simple, but at the same time short-lived, so have it in mind.

Computer Box Making Scheme

We give an example of the construction of three sectional box:

  • First install the columns (in this case should be 8). Before installing them, you need to lubricate the lower ends, which will be in the ground fuel oil.
  • The next stage of manufacture - fasteners for bars of bars. In order for the whole process to become a little simpler, you can install the box directly near the fence. Then one wall of the box will already be ready and on its manufacture you will not need to spend neither the material or strength.

  • You feed the boards to the bars, and so that there is a small space between them in order to provide good ventilation inside it.
  • Small doors worth equipping two compartments. To do this, it will be necessary to strip the box to half a box. In the third compartment, you will need to build a large door.
  • It came to the manufacture of the roof for the box. In order to establish this part of the box, you will need to enhance the crossbars, which are located along the length of partitions. You should also not forget about the need to enhance the end parts of the wall. Install the doors on each compartment.
  • You should not forget that the tree is the material that over time can be swallowed, swell, rot, so so that this does not happen to our box, it is necessary to process the tree in obligatory order before making a compost box from it.

If you want your compost box to be also beautiful, then you can paint it (after processing) in any color you like, but you need to do it in two layers, so that the paint is delayed on the drawer longer. The compost pit is a great way to determine the fertilizer for the soil, so, try to make this adaptation with your own hands, especially since there is nothing complicated.

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