How to make a paper book

How to make a paper book

Alone made books can be not only a doll accessory. This is also a real test for accuracy and the development of small motility of young fake lovers. Manual books may be no less than ordinary. If you decorate them and fill it manually, you will get a great birthday gift. To make a book with your own hands you need to decide on the technology of its creation.

Book for dolls

This small book can serve a brochure for children or desk book for dolls. For its manufacture, it will take quite some of the materials and a droplet of the perfection.
For the manufacture of the book we need:

  • Needle and thread
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • White paper or dense cardboard sheets
  • Several sheets of colored paper

Preparation method:

  1. Pages bend in such a position so that there are eight lines on the sheet. At first there is a fold along, behind him - across. The resulting rectangle is bent diagonally, keeping in short sides.
  2. With the help of the ruler, each fold is pressed, without turning the sheet. After that, it is revealed and watching 8 rectangles, separated by folds of folds. If it did not go out, the sheet is postponed and the procedure is repeated with a new sheet.
  3. When the result is reached, all the folds of the folds that are vertically cut. Rolled sheet unfold and evaluate the result. There should be a cut between the central quadrangles.
  4. These quadrangles are folded with the long sides each other. Then again - as long as the sheets do not accept the form of a book. Cut pages must be top. The ends of the sheets are shifted so while they do not lie exactly one on top of another.
  5. Then they fasten them with a stapler. The cover is cut out of the sheet of cardboard, it is covered or wrapped with colored paper, bending it in such a way that the cover is the cover for the book. In the corners or on the bokes of the cover, colored sheets are fixed with a stapler.
  6. Then the white pages are sewn to the covench cover so that they are located exactly in the middle. The book is completed.

Copt binding book

This binding is considered the simplest and most ancient ways to collect handwritten pages together. Even a child can cope with him, although patience and caution will be needed quite a lot. To make the book this way will be required:

  • Solid paper or cardboard sheets
  • Ordinary sheets A4.
  • Thread with a needle or harness
  • Shilo or holecol
  • A line with a pencil

Method for creating:

  1. Sheets are bent and combined in a few stacks, three sheets in each. On the fold line put points at the same distance in 5 cm. Between them. They are picked up sewing or make holes with hole punch. This procedure is repeated on all sheets.
  2. Cardboard bend for the cover and the first part of the sheets are laid inside. With the help of a harness or thread with a needle, cross the cover and the first part. To do this, the needle is carried out through the extreme hole in such a way that a small stretch of the thread sticks out. The same thread bow the cover from the outside and remove the needle between the sheets and the cardboard.
  3. The needle is driving around the protruding "tail" and again introduced into the extreme hole. At this time, the segment with the thread is associated with a node and tighten well. Thus, all the resulting holes are flashed. Only after that another block of three sheets is put under the first and stitched in the same way.
  4. The last block is firmage differently. It is connected with the cover on the other side. For this, the needle is passed through the extreme hole from the outside and remove between a sheet and cardboard. The thread is driving around the resulting stitch of the two previous blocks and remove the last stack into the lateral hole.
  5. After that, it is pulling, tightening the knot. This is repeated with all the holes done in the block. Thus, a beautiful braid is formed from the harness or thread on the binding. The last nodules make in the middle of the bend of the last block from the inside.


You can create a book that myself will serve as a cover. For this use Origami technique. The manufacture of the book is similarly accessible even for the smallest, and the result of the work will be a pretty little book on 8 sheets.
To create a book you will need:

  • Sheet A4.
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Preparation method:

  1. The ordinary sheet is folded along, pressing a short side with a short side. Smoothed the fold line and repeat this procedure again. The resulting narrow paper strip is smoothed so that all the folds of the bend are clearly visible, and unfold.
  2. It is then folded twice the perpendicular, connecting two long sides. Repeat this procedure again and the sheet smooth up so that the folds of the folds are clearly visible on paper.
    The sheet is unfolded, check that all 16 rectangles are smooth, and again bend the sheet along. From the side of the side bend make 3 cuts to the edges of the sheet. They pass along the flex lines and end in their middle.
  3. Then they are cut along the vertical fold line and deploy sheet. In the middle, two as if partially cut rectangles. The sheet turns a long half in the direction of the Origami amateur and these rectangles are cut on perpendicular collapse. Freed, they will form 4 valves in the middle of the sheet.
  4. These valves are flex and the sheet turn over, after which its edges bend in the middle. Holding for the edges, it is folded in half along the longitudinal fusion line. The edges shift in such a way as to form a rhombus.
    Sheets continue to shift until they get in touch, forming a cross. If you look at the side, Origami will have a view revealed to the maximum of the book. To "close" in the center make another fold, as if "slamming" it.

The manufacture of paper books does not require a lot of strength and materials, it will have to gain patience and sweat carefully that the end result can please the eye.

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