How to make a lily from a paper?

How to make a lily from a paper?

Beautiful paper flowers will decorate any interior. Lily is associated with purity and innocence, they can give to young girls who are in search of his beloved. Lily also recommend storing in the house for families who want to have children. But fresh flower retains its beauty for only 1 week, can not be said about the paper lines that delight their pristine view for many years. In this article you will find a simple master-classes that teach how to make a paper lily in a few minutes.

Bouquet of paper roses

Lilies in origami look spectacular when they are many. Lush bouquet of delicate flowers will decorate the dining or desktop. Making them is not difficult, the manufacturing process is feasible even for a beginner. The main thing, strictly adhere to the instructions and make a clear, smooth bends. only A4 size paper will need to create these lilies.

  • Stage 1 - folded sheet of paper diagonally therefrom to form a square, with scissors to trim the excess portion;
  • Stage 2 - from the square to make a triangle and make a clear bend;
  • Stage 3 - Expand the triangle and repeat the bend on the other side (you should have bends diagonally);
  • Stage 4 - from a large triangle to make the same shape, only a smaller size (for this it is necessary to connect a right angle triangle with the left corner);
  • Stage 5 - you should get a triangle with a "pocket" that you want to bend inward;
  • Stage 6 - repeat the process with a left and a triangle (eventually obtained diamond);
  • Stage 7 - go well with your fingers over the lines bend rhombus bend all 4 pockets inside the rhombus;
  • 8 stage - to bend the ends of the resulting triangle to the middle of the figure;
  • 9 step - you need to get the figures with two triangles (small and medium-sized), the ends of the smaller triangle to bend inward from both sides;
  • 10 stage - we develop the shape and sharp ends are such as to make a paper airplane nose;
  • 11 Stage - the process is repeated with all the "triangles-pockets";
  • 12 Stage - You must have a bulk rhombus, bend every rhombus like a nose at a paper aircraft;
  • 13 Stage - We form the petals, the upper end of each rhombus is reducing to the middle of the flower;
  • 14 stage - give the shape of petals by smoothing the early bends;
  • The 15 stage - from the paper, which was cut when they did a square (see 1 stage), make the flower stem; bend tightly paper to get a tube;
  • 16 Stage - the end of the tube can be glued;
  • 17 Stage - cut off the flower lily end (no more than 3 mm) and insert the stem.

Lily in the style of Origami is ready!

Tip: So that the flower looks more natural and gentle, choose not bright colors of paper.

Lily of paper (handicraft with children)

Make a gentle paper flower can be with children. Such a workout is developing motility and trains the azam work with paper.

What is necessary:

  • a4 paper sheets (white, blue, yellow and green color);
  • scissors;
  • stationery glue;
  • compass.

Paper lily making time will be no more than 20 minutes.

  • 1 step - from a white sheet of paper Make a square, cut off extra paper;
  • 2 step - with the help of a circulation, draw a large circle and draw it on diagonals (there must be 8 identical triangles);
  • 3 Step - Exactly in the middle of the circle, draw a small circle (it will be a lily meaning);
  • 4 step - cut triangles on the lines, not reaching the middle;
  • 5 step - from each small triangle to form a bulk cone and glue the ends with glue;
  • 6 step - on a piece of paper, which you were cut during the manufacture of a square, draw a circle of a smaller circle and draw it in the same way;
  • 7 step-cut over lines and glue cones;
  • 8 step - a larger flower to flip over the middle down and put smaller petals on it, their position is glued;
  • 9 step - from yellow paper cut the circle, make it small cuts (give the volume);
  • 10 step - we glue a yellow middle;
  • 11 step - from green paper cut out 2 sheets and glit it on blue paper;
  • 12 Step - Locate Lily so that the leaves are species and glue with glue.

For making lilies, use good quality paper, with a glossy surface. Such crafts please the eye and give a good mood.

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