How to make a snowflake from napkins with their hands?

How to make a snowflake from napkins with their hands?

On the eve of New Year holidays all trying to decorate their apartments. Glittering garland, tinsel create a bright atmosphere and magic miracle. But what the New Year without a beautiful snowflakes? They can be cut out of paper, but it is best to use a white cloth. Snowflakes they make light and airy. In this article you will find the simple master-classes for which you can make varied and very beautiful snowflakes.

Snowflake of wipes for 5 minutes

These beautiful snowflakes can decorate windows, walls, and even a Christmas tree. Cut them very easily with a task even a preschooler cope.

  • Stage 1 - fully unfold the napkin, well straighten all bends;
  • Stage 2 - fold the napkin so that a triangle (this should be done on a diagonal);
  • Stage 3 - fold the triangle again;
  • Stage 4 - the right angle triangle bends to the left corner, a little more than the middle;
  • Stage 5 - left corner of the bends in the opposite direction (you should have a small figure with a "tail");
  • Stage 6 - cut off the tail of a semi-circle;
  • Stage 7 - to obtain a preform arbitrarily cut several circles and small triangles (you specify individual snowflake pattern);
  • 8 stage - as soon as all the geometrical shapes were cut, gently unfold snowflake.

Finished snowflake can be stuck on the window or hang on the Christmas tree.

Snowflake volume of napkins

An amazing New Year's decoration can be done in 10 minutes. The process of making these snowflakes are very entertaining, enjoy both adults and children. For the manufacture of snowflakes need a lot of paper napkins white.

  • Stage 1 - fully unfold the napkin, straighten all bends;
  • Stage 2 - betray napkin circle shape (you can take a plate and circle it, cut in the drawing);
  • Stage 3 - every tissue begins to form so as to obtain an accordion;
  • Stage 4 - the accordion fold in half and glue (also possible to use double-sided adhesive tape) from the inner edges (must receive the fan);
  • Stage 5 - Prepare three identical fan, glue them on the edge of the stage, forming a circle.

Such snowflakes look spectacular on the walls.

Snowflake pattern

If you do not want to experiment and show imagination, then you can make a snowflake pattern. Such preparation can be printed or redrawn.

  • Step 1 - add the snowflake in the shape of a triangle, then folded up again;
  • Step 2 - Apply a pattern is exactly the same as it is shown by the number 4;
  • 3 step - cut exactly on the drawn lines (best to use nail clippers or special cutters for paper scissors);
  • Step 4 - gently unfold the napkin, avoid tears, because paper is very thin and fragile.

You will have a snowflake, which is shown in the picture.

You can also use the characters snowflakes patterns cartoon "The Cold Heart".

Delicate snowflake of napkins

This snowflake requires special care and accuracy, as the quality of work will depend on the aesthetics of the finished decorations.

  • Stage 1 - made of napkins triangle, on the basis of the folding cut 10 small triangles;
  • Stage 2 - fold the large triangle in another, but smaller triangle, and on the basis of the fold 10 cut small semicircles (between cut semicircles should be a distance of 2-3 mm);
  • Stage 3 - again add up the napkin in a triangle and repeat the step 1;
  • Stage 4 - alternate cut different figures until the triangle becomes very small;
  • Stage 5 - Carefully unfold the napkin, let this work adults do as a snowflake can tear.

If you are a pro in making snowflakes, you can cut and more complex geometric shapes.

Engage in such an interesting and entertaining the children and together create real masterpieces of the New Year!

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