Christmas decorations with their own hands from girlfriend

Christmas decorations with their own hands from girlfriend

When the new year is almost on the threshold and it's time to put the Christmas tree, a box with christmas toys gets from a secluded corner. If your toys come to an unsuitable condition, and there is no desire to buy new, then quite cute decorations can get out of the girlfriend.

Toy from light bulbs

You will need:

  • Burning incandescent lamp
  • Paints
  • Brush
  • ribbon
  • Glue

Degrease light bulbs, paint draw fun penguins. Optionally, you can depict snowmen or draw Santa Claus. Dry the lamps, stick to the tape to the tape so that it is possible to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Balls of thread


  • PVA glue
  • Dense thread
  • Scissors
  • Balloon

Inflate the ball. Moisten the thread in the glue and wrap it with her balloon. Wait for glue drying. Punch ball and remove the design.

Plastic bottle snowflakes

For crafts need:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Awl
  • Paints
  • Brush
  • Scissors
  • ribbon

Scissors cut from a plastic bottle bottom. Take a hole in the plastic, grind the tape. On the cut bottom, apply the paint pattern. For beauty, you can sprinkle paints with sparkles.

Snowmen of covers

What will take:

  • Covers from beer bottles
  • Paints
  • Brush
  • ribbon
  • Termoklay

The inner side of the covers should be painted in white. Put three covers in a row, cut the required amount of ribbon, the switching stock on the loop. Glue the caps to the ribbon. Draw a face with paints to a snowman. You can decorate the snowmen, having traveled scarves or buttons.

It is not difficult to make toys with your own hands. Many ideas will tell you a fantasy, and abusive materials for them abound. Such decorations will be at all worse than the purchased and diversify your festive Christmas tree.

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