How to make a fluffy snowflake?

How to make a fluffy snowflake?

Fluffy snowflakes will become an elegant decoration of your home, as well as create a fabulous atmosphere in winter in it. The process of creating snowflakes can be successfully becoming a family occupation. Fluffy snowflake can be made of paper, napkins, and still from the core wire.

How to make a fluffy snowflake paper

In order to make a fluffy snowflake from paper, we will need:

  • paper A4, paper color choose at its discretion;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

And so, proceed to creating a lush paper snowflakes.

  • We take a sheet of paper A4 format and bend it diagonally.
  • The resulting triangle bend in half.
  • Bend the resulting triangle again in half.
  • Triangle bend horizontally, leveling the main fold on the free side.
  • With the help of scissors, cut off the unnecessary edge, as shown in the photo.

  • Scissors produce longitudinal cuts to the central sequin, without cutting it.
  • We carefully deploy snowflake.

According to this scheme, it is possible to make a composition of different colors from different colors. Also, the snowflake can be made more fluffy and much more, adding a few more layers of multi-colored snowflakes. To do this, it is necessary to make snowflakes according to the above scheme. Then, with the help of glue, in the middle, glue the snowflake to the snowflake. Fluffy snowflake made of paper is ready, you can safely begin to decorate the room!

How to make a fluffy snowflake from napkins?

Fluffy snowflake can be made from napkins, for this we will need:

  • napkins of several colors;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

We proceed to creating snowflakes from napkins.

  • We fold the napkin, as shown in the photo below.
  • We produce longitudinal cuts after the same distance.
  • We carefully deploy snowflake.
  • According to this scheme, we make a few more snowflakes of a smaller diameter, alternately different colors.
  • Then, with the help of glue we connect the snowflakes one to the other.

Create compositions on the walls of fluffy napkin snowflakes of different colors and sizes. You can also create soaring snowflakes in the air. To do this, it is necessary when gluing parts, glue a thread to the center of the snowflake.

How to make a fluffy snowflake from a cinema wire?

Fluffy snowflake can be created not only from paper or napkins, but from a cinema wire. To create such a snowflake, we will need:

  • silent wire;
  • scissors.

And so, proceed to the creation of fluffy snowflakes from the wire.

  • Single wire cut into identical segments. The length of the segments depends on the same size you want to get a snowflake. Cut 4 wire segments of 10 cm, 4 wire segments of 4-5 cm.
  • 2 long segments fold crosswise, then one edge of the wire bend around the central axis, then carry out this operation with the second segment.
  • The remaining 2 segments of the cinema wire are located diagonally the snowflakes and also twist.
  • On the rays of snowflakes, through one, screwing small segments, as shown in the photo.

Snowflakes from a cinema wire perfectly hold the shape and have an attractive look. Working with this wire is easy and simple, and a variety of color gamut pleases.

Creating fluffy snowflakes from various materials, can be successfully becoming family leisure in winter. Create snowflakes of different colors, sizes and decorate your room. Create a magic atmosphere in winter holidays!

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