How to make a filter in Excel

How to make a filter in Excel

Working with large amounts of data in SCEL table forms often leads to the need to sort information on a particular criterion. How to organize this method of filtering information in Excel tables?

Organization of the filter operation in Excel - installation of sorting

  • Open the Excel table you need.
  • Highlight any containing information, cell.
  • Go to Excel Control Panel. You are interested in the data tab.
  • Looking for an sorting and filtering unit in it.
  • Click the filter icon - the menu has the name of the same name and the pictogram with the image of the watering can.
  • After that, next to each cell of the top line will appear icon in the form of a square with a black arrow pointing down.
  • You can see the ability to specify the advanced filtering parameters within the selected column.

Organization of the filter operation in Excel - filtering parameters

Advanced filtering parameters caused by pressing an image of the black arrow icon allow you to select (within the column):

  1. By increasing or decreasing the values \u200b\u200b(alphabetically or from the end of the alphabet). To do this, choose the first or second line of the dropped list.
  2. In color. This filter can be used correctly only in cases where painted cells are present.
  3. The following parameter is a filter via text or numbers - sample according to the set parameter. It may be a numeric value or text information.

Using the options drop-down options, the user can configure the sample conditions you need - the boundaries of the interval, the selection of all values \u200b\u200bat the specified criterion or all values \u200b\u200bexcept the specified criterion. Using the marks opposite the fields (at the bottom of the filtration window), make a simple data sample.

Organization of filter operation in Excel - Extended filtering

In this case, the user needs to go to the additional parameter unit. For this you need:

  • go to the data tab;
  • select a block of sorting and filters;
  • click the "Advanced" menu.

The extended filters window appears before you. You must specify the processed range, the selection conditions, as well as the location of the sample results. Upon completion, click "OK".

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