How to draw Hena

How to draw Hena

Drawing henna recently gains popularity. After all, you can make an unusual drawing on your body for a while, having robging yourself from the need to fill a temporary tattoo.

How to cook a hnu for drawing

Newcomers in this case will help simple recommendations: choose an affordable area on the body. These are hands, legs and ankles, forearm, as well as stomach. In these parts of the body it is easy to draw simple drawings.

In order to properly prepare a drawing material, you must purchase a special huhu for drawing. Paste is preparing approximately a day before drawing. Such 24 hours exposure is simply necessary to keep the drawing longer.

To make a drawing paste, you need:

  • pour 20 g of henna powder. From this quantity it will turn out about 100 grams of paste, you can paint to elbow to elbow;
  • still need juice of 2 lemons, the juice is needed only freshly squeezed;
  • as well as sugar and essential oil (not necessarily).

Auxiliary tools: plastic container for kneading, dimensional spoon, dense package, drawing device (cone, dense polyethylene package, drawing wand, brush or toothpick).

Cooking a cold for drawing in 2 reception:

  • During the day before applying the picture, it is necessary to dial with a measured spoon, sift through the sietechko. This can not be done, but then you have to wipe the finished paste through the sieve before applying. The fact is that thin lines can not be drawn if the powder pieces come across.
  • Pull sample powder in a bowl (plastic or glass), add lemon juice - so far 1/4 part, mix so that there are no lumps.
  • A bowl must be wrapped in the food film or put into a tight package, close so that the air does not get inside, leave for 12 hours. The room temperature should be not lower than +22 degrees. If the room is cool, then you will have a divorced henna to hold on the water bath to warm up a little.
  • Water henna is better not to breed. If you want the drawing to be dark brown, add antimony or bass.
  • In the morning you can proceed to the second stage of cooking: add sugar to the paste (1 tsp), mix and some oil (no more than 1 tsp).
  • Stir everything thoroughly, add lemon juice, the paste should thicken to the consistency of the toothpaste. If the mass turned out thick, then you need to add lemon juice, if a rare is a bit of the henna powder.
  • Wrap a bowl into something warm, leave for 12 hours.

How to draw henna - preparation for work

Before proceeding with the drawing, you must take care of your own safety, so as not to spoil the clothes, as well as furniture and surrounding items. If the pasta hit the skin randomly, then this place must be immediately wiped out a wet cotton swab (or cotton wand).

Prepare the skin in advance: per day before applying the drawing is undesirable to sunbathe and visit the solarium. It is necessary to take a shower with soap, and if there is no such possibility, then wipe the place to apply a drawing, alcohol. If the skin is fat, it is necessary to make peeling, unwanted hairs better remove.

How to apply a housy pattern:

  • Work in warmth, then Henna will go well and laugh longer.
  • Apply to the prepared and low-fat skin of the eucalyptus oil (no more than 3 drops).
  • Henna needs to be applied from a special cone on a predetermined drawing (draw a handle, aqueous felt-tip pen, eye / eye-eye pencil) or make stencil. This technique is possible: the drawing must be printed on the printer, cover the handle, cut, retreating from the circuit 2 cm.
  • The workpiece with the pattern is applied to the skin, press so as not to shift, put on top of a wet towel. Hold a few minutes, then remove. The drawing on the skin is imprinted by a thin contour.
  • Now you can proceed to work: only you need to apply a drawing on dry skin.
  • Work carefully and do not rush, squeeze the hu from the cone little to the line to be the same thickness.
  • Wait until the drawing is dry, do not wet this place for 8 hours. Excess you need to safely brush. Then lubricate the drawing of almond oil, sesame or eucalyptus.
  • If everything is done correctly, the drawing of the henna will stay from 7 to 20 days.

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