How to sew buttons

How to sew buttons

In Russia, the buttons on clothes were the subject of luxury and well-being. They were made of copper, gold and silver, and their tailoring trusted only the most experienced and famous tailor. To date, the button has become the usual detail of the clothing, with which you can fasten the product. Consider interesting options for neat and beautiful techniques for sewing buttons.

How to sew buttons - Useful Tips

To begin with, pick up a button in color, look and size. It should be harmoniously combined with the material. To check whether a button is suitable, it is suitable for it in front of work in a loop on clothes, and you will immediately feel about the joy of entry, whether it is suitable for you.

  • For fur coats, fur covers, autumn coats and winter jackets, pick up a stronger needle with a big ear. When working with a slight material, needles are suitable with a thinner basis.
  • Choosing a thread for sewing buttons to the top clothes, give preference to reinforced fibers, they are more durable and wear-resistant.
  • For fastening accessories on a winter or demi-season product, use submitter, with a diameter of 3 to 7 mm. It is necessary to sew it in parallel with the main button, but on the back of the fabric.
  • Consider that when attaching accessories on the leg, you need to select threads under the color of the fabric, and for flat buttons under the color of the buttons.

How to sew a button with two holes

Before sewing, make a markup for fastening using a ruler and a piece of soap. Together a single thread in the needle, and make the stitch pair of stitches on the material, then output the needle on the wrong side. Attach the button and on the inside of the product to sell the needle to any of the two holes. Perform 3-4 stitch by flashing each. To complete the work, secure the thread on the back of the material and cut.

How to sew a button with four holes

Curtain the sewing thread into the needle, folding in two layers, and tie a small nodule at the end. On the front side of the product, make a small stitch and secure a thread in the loop, then cut off the knot with scissors. To ingue a button in the needle, and make the first puncture, as shown in the photo. For convenience, divide the holes on the pairs and place each part 3-5 stitches. To avoid skew, sew all holes separately. Complete sewing the removal of the thread from the buttons on the front side, after which wrap around the resulting leg 3-4 times. Last step, skip the thread through the loop, tighten and cut.

How to sew a button on a coat

Pick up a thick needle, a durable thread, then to inhale. Make the nodule at the end and cut the excess tail. If necessary, scroll the material with an iron or steamer, and also eliminate the remaining threads from old fittings. It is very difficult for the eye to determine the height of the buttons rack, for this use the remedies - toothpick or match.

  • Secure the thread on the fabric with one stitch, leaving the knot on the surface, which will later be closed by sewing.
  • To ingue the button in the needle and make a puncture on the wrong side, fixing the stitch.
  • Put the submit on the needle successively - first stretch the thread into one hole, then on the second. Connect the fabric and submit a second bunch, withdrawing the needle on the front side.
  • Insert the auxiliary item between the main part and the cloth, as shown in the photo. Make 3-4 connecting stitch.
  • We finish sewing - print the needle from the inside and gently pull out the auxiliary item. Evenly convey the rack 2-3 times, tighten the thread and making the loop, do the more superfluous.

Magic sewing buttons

What is a button? The usual detail of the clothing is nowadays. And a long time ago, she was an essential magical amulet who frightened evil from man. Even the word "button" or "button" itself, it happened from the word to scare, but it will also be able to become your faith programmed for wealth and good luck. And you do not want to try on yourself the magic effect of buttons? To do this, make your most cherished desire and select the sewing method shown below. In the evening, fasten the button on the involving side of your favorite clothes.

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