How to take aspirin for blood wrestling

How to take aspirin for blood wrestling

Aspirin is the most popular drug that is used as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Aspirin is also used to treat many diseases, including a preventive tool of strokes.

What is the feature of aspirin? This drug does not allow that blood combined into a single platelet. Therefore, in preventive purposes, aspirin is prescribed in minimal dosages to prevent blood clots.

Aspirin for blood dilution

It is necessary to take this medicine strictly by appointing a doctor, because everything will depend on the specific disease. If with the aim of prevention, the dosage is minimal. Moreover, a person must take this medicine for a long period. Tablets are preferably drinking at night, drinking a glass of water. This is an excellent prevention of blood clots, because in the dark, when a person is at rest, the risk of increased thrombus is very high.

In emergency cases, aspirin tablet is taken as needed, chewing or placing under full absorption.

How to take aspirin for blood dilution - daily rate

In preventive purposes, no more than 100 mg of aspirin are taken. If this is a healing dose, the dosage has increased to 300 mg to the appointment of the attending physician.

What is fraught with an overdose? Uncontrolled drug intake enhances the formation of thromboms.

How to take aspirin:

  • For blood liquefaction, if it is hiding pills, then they are necessarily dissolved in the glass of water. Take immediately after eating. One-time reception - minimally 0.25 g of drug. How often to accept: by appointing a doctor, as much as possible, 3-4 times a day. Course treatment for at least a month.
  • Secondary prophylaxis for patients who have undergone an infarction required daily rate of 40 to 325 mg. Take 1 time. For blood wrestling, aspirin is accepted for several months and even more, 300 mg (daily dosage).
  • In case of violation of the cerebral circulation (preferably in men), aspirin is prescribed in a dosage of 325 mg (also daily dose). If necessary, the dosage can be increased and adjusted to 1 g (per day).
  • Prevention of thrombom formation: receiving 1 tablet (325 mg) every 7 hours by the installed probe (intranasal method), then as usual, drinking water, 1 tablet three times a day.
  • The prevention of rheumatism: 5 g (maximum 8 g) per day by adults, children are not more than 125 mg / kg. Number of receptions up to 5 times a day. After 2 weeks, the dosage decreases to 60 mg.

Contraindications for receiving aspirin for blood wrestling

Each medication has both indications for receiving and contraindications. Absolutely safe drugs do not happen. With the right dosage, you can improve health.

Aspirin is a cunning drug that can cure one disease and harbor the body. It increases the risk of internal bleeding, affects the work of the stomach.

Who can not take aspirin:

  • women in the position (especially dangerous in the first and last 3 months of pregnancy) and nursing breasts. Aspirin can cause bleeding and provoke miscarriage in early terms, and in the later - premature generic activities;
  • children under 12, so as not to provoke the development of the "Reia" syndrome (liver failure). In order to reduce body temperature during the disease, children are not given aspirin, but paracetamol;
  • ulcer stomach.

Now you know how to take aspirin, just keep in mind that self-treatment can be dangerous to health.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 05/15/2019 at 22:34

Aspirin is taken to appoint a doctor and I also heard that it is impossible on an empty stomach, as it can irritate the gastric mucosa.

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Karina 05/18/2019 at 10:14.

Aspirin and all diluting drugs should only be prescribed by the doctor and after certain analyzes. I myself take these medicines for several years and know how serious it is. I have for long-term strokes for the prevention of a stroke, a thrombotic ass, inexpensive by the way the drug and no negative impact on the gastric mucous membrane.

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