How to cook duck breast

How to cook duck breast

Duck breast has always been considered a delicacious product. Previously, she could only try in an expensive restaurant. Today, duck breast can be bought in any major supermarket and cook at home.

Duck breast - rather fat. It is best to combine it with vegetables or fruits. Recently even preferable - sweet sauces or caramelized fruits only emphasize the taste of duck meat, which is very peculiar. By the way, some people do not like duck meat, but it is the breast in a good dish that they are familiar with pleasure.

The breast itself is very gentle and can be prepared immediately after purchase. But many cooks prefer her to marinate. We offer you several marinades that are very easy to do:

  • Orange. Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Add juice and zest one orange. Sung wash the mixture with one teaspoon of salt and pour the pinch of dried rosemary and the floor of a teaspoon of ground black pepper.
  • Apple. Floor glasses of apple vinegar mix with two spoons of olive oil. Add salt (1 tsp), dried oregano and rosemary (0.5 teaspoon) and black ground pepper.

Put the breast in the marinade and leave the minutes by 30 minutes.

Before hot breasts, dry with a paper towel. From the side of the skins, make cruciform notches on meat - so the breast will not "frighten" and excess fat is reset out of it. Fry the duck breast on a dry, well-preheated frying pan. First, go to the skin down, so that fat began to get out of the breast. After four minutes, turn the breast to the other side, and send the pan in the oven. It should already be heated to 200 degrees. After the breast is ready, get it out of the oven and let some minutes to relax. "So that it does not cool - wrap in Foil.

In the oven, the breast should be:

  • 10 minutes - the meat will be medium inception;
  • 8 minutes - meat will be with blood;
  • 12 minutes - meat of severe root.

Real gourmets argue that the most delicious duck breast is the one, which has blood on the cut. Serve breast with baked apples (if she was marinated in an apple marinade), with rings of fried on duck oranges, spoons spoiled with sugar powder (if the marinade was citrus).

Simple and tasty - duck breast photo2

Breast can be prepared without pre-marinating. Then before burning it just escape and pepper. To such a breast, prepare any berry or fruit sauce:

  • Crimson. Distribute raspberries with sugar powder and boil from her Kisel. Add mint leaves and season with white ground pepper.
  • Mango. Mango flesh Mix with cream and beat in a blender. For acute, put a little small chilly chili pepper.

Duck breast with nutmeg pear

No matter how the duck breast is available today, all the same meat is delicious. Therefore, do not be lazy and necessarily decorate the dish: mint leaves, a berry of Physalis, currant sprig. Fantasize and enjoy your appetite!

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