How to cook asparagus green

How to cook asparagus green

Asparagus grows around the globe. Green shoots can be eaten fresh, raw high temperatures. Also, fragrant soups are boiled from this plant, baked in the oven, roasted in a pan, grill. Perfectly combined with eggs, salmon and beets, lemon and even cedar nuts! The product is universal and virtually indispensable if you need to add a spawn a spawn.

How to cook asparagus green on the grill

Recipe ingredients:

  • Green Asparagus - 500 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • To begin with, the asparagus washes and cut off 3/4 of the opposite end from the top, removing solid pieces. Next, shift into a deep dish and lubricated with olive oil, salt and pepper. The grill is heated, and asparagus is laid out on the grille. Turn over every 3 min. The finished dish has a pleasant aroma and an appetizing crust. Suitable as self-food for vegetarians and as a garnish to any kind of meat. The duration of preparation is about 15 minutes.

Salad of green asparagus with carrots

Recipe ingredients:

  • Asparagus green - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g.
  • Carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Crushed hazelnut - 50 g
  • Onion green - 1 bundle.
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Carrot is cleaned and rubbed on the grater. Asparagus is clean, cleaned and cut into circles. In the pan, let in a carrot with water until soft and separate asparagus. In the salad bowl, mix these two ingredients with an inserted onion, hazelnuts, mayonnaise and salt. If desired, mayonnaise is replaced with vegetable oil.

How to cook asparagus green - soup

Recipe ingredients:

  • Asparagus green - 300 g
  • Champignons - 100 g
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Leek - 1 pc.
  • Cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable broth - 1.5 liters.
  • Salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Asparagus wash and cut the tops and tight ends. Mains leave for cooking. Potatoes clean and cut into medium pieces along with a bowl. Broth vegetable to pre-boil and boil onions, middle parts asparagus and potatoes. Next, the welded vegetables are crushed in a blender until uniformity with the addition of cream and 1 tsp. Oil. Separately, mushrooms and asparagus tops are roasted on olive oil, at the end of the pillars and saline. The soup spill over the plates and add mushrooms and asparagus into each portion.

How to cook asparagus green with cheese

Recipe ingredients:

  • Green Asparagus - 500 g
  • Parmesan cheese - 100 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt, black ground pepper, balsamic vinegar - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Asparagus washes, cleaned and laid on a baking sheet. From above is poured with olive oil, sprinkled with salt, pepper and grated on the grater of parmesan cheese. The oven is heated to 220 ° C, and green asparagus is baked 15 minutes. Serve on the table hot, watering with balsamic vinegar.

How to cook asparagus green in cream sauce

Recipe ingredients:

  • Asparagus green - 500 g
  • Creamy oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 St-n.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Cream - 1 St-n.
  • Parsley - 1 bundle.
  • Salt, pepper black ground, lemon juice - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Asparagus boiled up to complete readiness. Time depends on the thickness of the stems for thin enough 5-8 min., For thick 10-12 minutes. The tops remain on the surface of the water, because they softened faster. Water merge and cut asparagus on small circles. Put the oven to warm up to 220 ° C. On melted butter, fry wheat flour, add milk and cook 2 minutes. under the lid. Add to 1/2 century-to-cream sauce, salt, pepper and taste a little lemon juice. The remaining cream beat and mix with the sauce. Asparagus lay out into the shape, lubricated with butter and pour sauce. Bake 15 min., A ready-made dish sprinkle with chopped greens.

Which combinations did not come up with cookies: Asparagus with shrimps, beef, bacon! Asparagus is very easy to handle and cook. This is an excellent alternative to other types of breakfasts, familiar garnings. Young shoots are definitely helpful and tasty. Each recipe occupies indecently little time. But to achieve a good taste, you need to choose the right product. Fresh stems only elastic to the touch, color is smooth, and the tops are dense.

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