How to make a solution for masonry brick

How to make a solution for masonry brick

Brick is a traditional building material, which is characterized by high strength, significant durability and attractive appearance. But so that all these qualities are completely manifested, it is necessary to correctly knead the solution for brickwork and calculate its consumption. Otherwise, construction can stall at any time.

To begin with, find out the requirements that the masonry solution must be answered:

  • Mass should be plastic. So it will fill in all the irregularities and emptiness that are in the brick.
  • Of great importance is the strength that the composition will drop after frozen, otherwise the strain of the walls may occur.
  • The setting time of the substance should be 1.5-5 hours. This is enough to use it for its intended purpose until the solution froze.

Consider from which components the brick laying solution is:

  1. Water. Use only clean liquid to confuse. It should not contain impurities and oils, not to mention the dirt and garbage. Ideally, for this purpose, take water from the well. In addition, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime: in summer, use cold water, warm it in winter.
  2. Sand. This component must also be cleaned and pre-sifted through a sieve, the remains of clay, pieces of earth, pebbles and different garbage should not be present in it. It is better to take river sand. If the sand color is intensively yellow, then from its use should be refused in the case of facial masonry or when mounting bricks with cavities. But for the discount it is good.
  3. Cement. The main ingredient of the working mixture, the properties of the future solution for masonry brick depend on its quality. There is the following connection here: the higher the cement brand, the shorter it is necessary. Cement M400 is used for solution. Prefer the varieties of the SPC 3, PC 2.
  4. Detergents. Suited for this fluid intended for dishwashing detergents, liquid soap or shampoo. But the cleaning agents are not suitable since they may provoke the occurrence of cracks in the brick.
  5. Lime. It allows to increase the working time of the solution to 5 hours at the expense of increasing its ductility. Furthermore, such a weight is characterized by greater spreadability and better ability to fill irregularities and to reduce the number of seams in a frozen coating. But lime mixtures are not suitable for use in exposure to moisture masonry.

If you need to mix the solution is not gray, and a lot of dark colors, then enter it in graphite or soot.

There are several types of solutions for masonry brick, regardless of the components that are present in its composition:

  • Cement. He has the high strength and high stiffness. This solution was used in the construction of low-rise buildings and apartment buildings. Restrictions in the use of it almost does not matter.
  • Cement and clay. On the strength inferior to the first type. Clay used free of all impurities present.
  • Cement and lime. Shows even lower strength. But it has a high plasticity and good properties of adhesion to brick.
  • Lime. The solution was sufficiently brittle after curing, so rarely used, mainly for low-rise building. Among the advantages of low thermal conductivity is isolated.

Preparation of Solution-to-masonry-brick

In addition, there is another classification solutions, according to the proportions of its main components:

  1. Brand 100. The ratio of the components as follows: cement M400 - 1 bucket of sand - 4 buckets, cleaning - 50-100 g
  2. Brand 100. You will need 1 M500 cement bucket 5 buckets of sand and a little detergent (similar to the first type).
  3. 200. Mark kneading of 1 M400 bucket of cement 2 buckets of sand washing.

Universal solution for laying bricks is prepared in the following sequence:

  • Prepare all the ingredients. We will knead the solution of cement, sand, water and detergent. Take M400 or M500 Portland cement and sand fraction which is 2 mm.
  • The proportions of sand to cement can be: 5 to 1 (M25 grade solution), 1 to 4 (M50 solution), 3 to 1 (M75). When laying bricks in particularly critical areas, for example, when the columnar foundation device at a portion where the predominant wet ground mounting cap bath, made use of M50 and M75 solution.
  • For other cases we will place the first type of solution. For the preparation of 1 cubic meter of solution, sand is taken in the amount of 2064 kg, cement - about 268 kg, water will be needed 340-350 liters.
  • Fill water into the concrete mixer. Despite the fact that many builders recommend the first to make dry components, it is the method of filling fluid that will allow you to control what thickness will have a mass.
  • Do not forget to add detergent (liquid soap, shampoo, etc.). Wait until it gives a foam, it will take no more than 3-5 minutes.
  • After you should slowly fall asleep sand. However, it is necessary to take into account that it is immediately necessary
    Add not all of its number, but half.
  • Following the sand, make cement and smear until the solution becomes homogeneous. Now you need to fall asleep the remaining part of the sand, again kneading the mass.
  • The brick solution should turn out thick as sour cream. To check the thickness, spend on its surface with your finger, the track will remain clear, it should not be broken.
  • Components are mixed for 2 minutes. Also do not forget to periodically stir the solution when used to eliminate the risk of its separation.
  • Do not prepare a lot of solution, as it is fast enough, after 1.5-2 hours, it becomes unsuitable for masonry brick and loses its plasticity.

Despite the fact that in the twenty-first century in the stores dry mixes for brickwork are presented in abundance, cement-sandy solution, prepared with their own hands, remains still out of competition. When planning construction from bricks, it is best to do this business in the summer.

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