How to prepare the seeds of peppers?

How to prepare the seeds of peppers?

By purchasing in stores or collecting autumn pepper seeds are not enough just planted in the ground and wait for a good harvest. To vegetable crop grown strong, healthy, and with plenty of fruit, the seeds need to prepare for landing.

First calibration pepper seeds - dry

In February, when the time comes planting seeds for seedlings, the first thing they need to be calibrated. It is understood that select the most good:

  • Pour the seeds of certain varieties of the white flat plate or a cotton cloth. Seeds are arranged so that they lie in one layer.
  • Using tweezers remove the total weight of such seeds: very small, with visible lesions, with dark spots. If you see the seeds of a large size and a standard light-colored, but slightly conventional form, then remove them too.

The second calibration pepper seeds - wet

The second calibration is to remove outwardly quite normal seeds, but those that do not have a mature within midway. Such seeds are hollow and do not give fruit. So how to visually identify the empty seeds is practically impossible, they must be placed in a liquid medium. Suppose also that come to the surface.

  • In one liter of water dissolve two major dessert spoons salt. Keep the salt completely dissolved - for the solution is made in warm water and mix it well.
  • Cooled to room temperature, pour the saline calibrated first seed and stir them in water with a spoon.
  • Leave the seeds in salted water for 7-10 minutes. During this time, the good seeds will sink to the bottom and shall remain on the surface.
  • With a spoon, remove the bad seeds with salt water.
  • The small flat strainer place two or three layers of cheesecloth, and carefully pour water on it to sink to the bottom of the seed.
  • When salt water is completely stalking, rinse the seeds on the marlay water from under the tap.
  • Spread the seeds on a sheet of white paper and let them dry 20-30 minutes.

Disinfection of pepper seeds

Any seeds, even the most expensive and purchased in a large specialized store, must be disinfected. It will kill the microbes and pathogenic organisms that are in the seeds may further lead to diseases of vegetable culture. For disinfection, you can use such funds:

  • Manganese. Several of its crystallines dissolve in ordinary water so that the light pink solution is. Lower seeds into pink water and keep them in it for 20 minutes.
  • Phytosporin. 4 drops of this biological agent drop in 1 cup of water and stir all with a spoon. Seeds keep in this solution for 15-20 minutes.

Pepper seed saturation by microelements

Microelements are needed in order to increase the yield of peppers, protect them from diseases and adverse weather factors. In the arsenal of any gardener there is a ash from burning branches - it is she who can fully satisfy the need for seeds in trace elements.

  • Handful of ash pour into a canvas or three-layer gauze bag. Tie it.
  • Lower the bag with ashes in a saucepan with boiling water (only 1 liter). Configure a bag with ash ash 15 minutes, and then turn off the stove. Insist the assets in the water 2 days, and then get the bag from it.
  • Place the seeds in the ash water, which also pre-put in a clean bag. Hold the seeds in the infusion of ash 5 hours, and then slightly dry them outdoors.

Processing seed pepper stimulators growth

After late with the February preparation of pepper seeds to its landing, you can completely stay without a crop or with very small. In this case, the seeds are recommended to additionally process growth stimulants. These substances will be much accelerated by the germination of seeds, so even Martovsky sowing will provide the owners a normal harvest.

  • Zircon and Epin Extra - today are the most popular and sold in any garden shop. Use them exactly following the attached instructions.
  • Honey. This folk remedy used our grandmothers and the peppers were always excellent. A teaspoon of honey. Stir in halflitis of water and hold the seeds in this bath 1-2 hours.
  • Nettle. A wonderful means to increase and accelerating the germination of peppers. One tablespoon of dry nettle brew in one glass of boiling water and let the influence completely cool. After its filtering, treat them seeds. Seeds place in the bag, and it is dropped into tea from nettle to the same 1-2 hours.

Persecution of pepper seeds

Many gardeners before planting seeds into the seedlings ground, they are pre-germinated in a wet environment. Such germination is much accelerating the germination of seeds in the soil for seedlings.

  • On the bottom of the plastic container, put a three-layer gauze napkin. It is a little moisturize with water room temperature.
  • Place the seeds in one layer on the napkin and cover their napkins.
  • From above the napkin again moisture - use a small sprayer for liquids.
  • Container Blank with a lid or polyethylene package.
  • Keep the container on the table or windowsill, but follow the ambient temperature. The optimal seed germination is considered to be 23-24 degrees.
  • Every day check the napkin - it must be wet all the time. If the march dried, then you will moistle it again.

In compliance with these conditions, the seeds will germinate in 4-5 days. Now they can already be planted in the ground to obtain seedlings.

Hardening of pepper seeds

If you often have refundable May frost and pepper seedlings, you do not sit in a greenhouse, but in open ground, then the sprouted seeds will still have to harden. For this, they are directly in the container on the lower shelf of the refrigerator and hold there two days. After hardening, gentle seeds will land into the soil for growing seedlings.

Pretty labor-intensive preparation of peppers seeds in front of their sowing will provide you with a rich harvest. The same manipulations on the preparation of seeds for landing can be done with tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetable crops.

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