How to germinate seeds of pepper

How to germinate seeds of pepper

The yield of sweet pepper depends on the observance of the necessary agricultural techniques for growing seedlings, the main component of which - the germination of seeds. Let's look at how to prepare pepper seeds for sowing, to the fall to fill pantries and cellars tasty blanks of this vitamin vegetable.

How to germinate seeds of peppers - germination tests

Peretz - a demanding culture, its seeds quickly lose their germination and did not germinate, so the seeds should be checked in advance.

  • Dissolve in half a liter of water of 50 c. coarse salt.
  • Throw the seeds in a container with a solution, and stir everything.
  • After a few minutes of full seeds will fall to the bottom, weak - will surface. Collect them with a spoon and discard. Weighted remove the seeds, rinse and air dry on a napkin.

How to germinate seeds of pepper - disinfection

To the young shoots were not affected by fungal diseases, seeds etch any of the present methods:

  • dilute potassium permanganate, taking 1 liter of water 1 c. powder to the resulting liquid is dark purple in color. Soak the seeds in it, wrapped in a cloth, a quarter of an hour, then remove and rinse with running water;
  • vsypte seeds in a glass with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Disinfect them for 5-8 minutes, then remove and pat dry;
  • dilute to 100 ml of warm water for 0.5 hours. l. baking soda and send to the same seeds for 2 hours. Then - as in the previous methods.

How to germinate seeds of pepper - stimulation

Improve the properties of seedling germination and accelerate emergence help Catalysts and trace elements. Choose the desired option and proceed:

  • prepare drugs - Microvit, Tsitovit, Appin, as indicated on the label. The seed is put in a gauze bag and immerse the solution was made at 12 hours. After that, without washing, dry;

Important: hybrid seeds (marked with - F1) in the stimulants do not soak.

  • make an olocheat, having stirred 50 gr. Alas in 0.5 liters of boiling water - a suspension is preparing for about a day. Filter infusion, add seeds to it and leave for 5 hours. Remove and spread on a sheet of paper;
  • mix aloe juice with water - 1: 1, add seeds that, after 12 hours, get and crumble for drying.

How to germinate pepper seeds - soaking

After the manipulation described above, you can move to soaking seeds:

  • prepared seeds crush on a wet marla, folded in four layers;
  • put the fabric on the saucer and cover with one layer of gauze;
  • put the container into a warm place. Sprinkle cloth daily by water, not allowing it to dry. After two or three days, when the peppers are swollen and smacking small sprouts, prepare the container and proceed to sowing.

How to germinate pepper seeds - sowing

Pepper Squeeze into a large capacity with further dive.

  • In the box or container, pour the soil in it a pencil of the grooves, span them with water. Seed seeds at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other. Tighten the ground grooves. Cover the container with the film and remove in a dark place.

  • After 5-6 days, screed to water under the root of cool water every other day. After the third leaflet breaks down - reducing watering to three times a week.

  • When shoots stretch to 5 cm, sip them into peat pots or in the cups from the yoghurt, hacking sprouts in an earthen mixture to the seedlings.

  • Place the capacitance with the peppers on the window, not forgetting to give them from the roast sun. Water seedlings once every three days, abundantly wasting the earth.

  • Before disembarking into the ground, adopt the seedlings with a nutritious infusion, mocking in 1 liter of warm water 500 gr. Ground nettle.

Processing, soaking, germination of pepper seeds - work is not easy and troubleful, but it will help to identify powerful plants and discard weak, and therefore get high-quality shoots and as a result is a rich harvest.

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