How to unscrew the bolt with torn edges

How to unscrew the bolt with torn edges

It happens that we need to unscrew the old bolt from somewhere, but suddenly it is found that his face is torn. What to do in a similar case and how to reveal the hardware without damaging the material - we will share tips on this subject in our article.


How to prepare for twisting bolt with torn faces

To facilitate your task, it is worth using the following advice:

  • It is desirable to apply penetrating fluid on the metric thread. It will help reduce the coefficient of friction, and the bolt will come out of the deepening faster and easier. After applying such a fluid, you need to wait at least an hour, but only then work for work. For such a goal, kerosene, brake fluid or WD-40 are suitable.
  • If before removing heavily knock on the bolt with a hammer - it will also facilitate the twisting.
  • Getting Started, stock special tools. You may need a gas key, a Bulgarian, a file, keys with cape heads or even a welding machine.

How to unscrew the accurate bolt with torn faces: various ways

  • In many cases, it is possible to extract hard margins with a gas key. Such a tool fuses any cylindrical forms well. It is worth saying that the longer the key will be, the easier the fasteners will turn out.
  • If free space does not allow using the above tool to be used, you can use special keys with precipitated heads. If you are going to resort to this method, pay attention to the key as close as possible as possible to the head of the fastener.
  • It also happens that the faces on the bolt erased completely, and it is impossible to use the gas key due to its size. In such a case, the faces can be formalized. To do this, take a file and get the head to a smaller diameter. Then it will be possible to put on the appropriate sizes.
  • Another way to extract hardware is to welcome the nut to its head and use it the faces to unscrew the fastener.
  • If the bolt is very large, you can apply a layer of metal using welding to its head, and then weave it with a file, forming a hexagon.
  • You can remove fasteners using a chisel with a hammer. To do this, it is necessary to make a split on the bolt or take a chisel at an angle in the direction in which it is supposed to be unscrewed.
  • If you have a drill with a thin drill, you can drill a hole in the bolt. Having inserted into this hole Mr. rods with edges and using them as a handle, the fasteners can be turned off. This method is convenient to use and if the bolt head is completely completely.

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