How to drill a hole in the glass

How to drill a hole in the glass

When carrying out repairs in the home is often a need for the manufacture of holes for hanging shelves, fixing mirrors. And glass, and products made of it are no exception, despite their fragility. We will tell you some of the nuances and subtleties of the process that will help get the job done with the help of available tools that are available in every home.

In an industrial environment for making holes in the glass using a special tool. But in special cases, its purchase is not feasible, there are simpler methods which will be discussed below.

According to the first technique, used for drilling glass ordinary drill, and act on such instructions:

  1. Choosing the right drill bit for metal. Better yet, take a designed tile that has pobeditovye tip.
  2. you will also need a low-speed drill or screwdriver, alcohol, turpentine and clay.
  3. The drill bit must first be tempered over a fire, the pliers holding and placing a torch flame.
  4. Next, send the instrument to the vessel, where the wax, and leave to cool.
  5. Glass, place on a flat, solid surface material must not hang over it.
  6. The speed at which the work will be done with a drill, is minimal.
  7. Once inserted the drill into the drill, be sure to check its heartbeat and change the tool when this option is great.
  8. Degrease glass using alcohol.
  9. Make a circle to limit drilling, excellent clay.
  10. Holes are made, moisten the tip of the drill bit in turpentine.


The second method involves the use of copper wire or tube as a drill. It is fixed in the cartridge drill. It will take a special paste to work, which consists of a turpidar (2 parts), camphores (1 part), emery powder (4 parts). This composition is applied immediately before the working process on the drilling site.

The third method consists in the use of flat noodpenery attached to a drill. The tool must be sharpened and have a kind of acute chisel. When drilling glass, it is necessary to periodically make pauses to sharpen the nap. By the way, the material that has a thickness of millimeters 6 will be drilled in 15 minutes.

The fourth way of tricking holes in glass is very ancient, because once there were no such tools like a drill or screwdriver:

  • For work, prepare tin or lead, gas burner, alcohol, sand, metal mug.
  • To prepare a drilling site, treat the glass with alcohol, mark the drilling circuit.
  • Pour into the surface of wet sand, in which you need to do a funnel of a certain size.
  • This form should pour tin or lead, pre-melting it to a temperature of 250-300 degrees. The sand form must be filled completely.
  • After a couple of minutes, remove the sand.
  • When removing the solder, a piece of glass will fall off with the tump and the through hole is formed.

In addition, if you can modify the drill, it will disappear the need to use lubricating fluids. A diamond roller is used, extracted from the plane cutting, which is fixed in the metal straightener, more precisely in the slot in it. And then it remains only to fix the self-made drill in a drill.

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