How to brighten your eyebrows

How to brighten your eyebrows

The form and color of the eyebrows are capable of making a look more expressive, soften or emphasize the features of the face, so they are often playing a decisive role in creating a harmonious image. Dark eyebrows give the face of rigor, and brighter - lightness and romanticism.

In which cases you need to lighten your eyebrows

The color of the eyebrows must match or be on the tone darker than the hair color. Lighten your eyebrows, proceeding only from fashion trends, will be erroneous. It is recommended to do this in the following cases:

  • Blondes and girls with red hair are too dark eyebrows in combination with light curls create a sloppy and gloomy look.
  • Ladies with pale skin pink subtona - to make the face more gentle and shifting the focus on the eyes.
  • Girls with dark-colored hair painted in blond tones or blond - black eyebrows in this case look inappropriate, and sometimes even vulgar.

Refuse the idea of \u200b\u200beyebrow clarification should be the girls of an Asian style of appearance, with dark or very tanned skin. Bright eyebrows will merge with the tone of the skin, making the face dull.

How to brighten your eyebrows in the cabin

In addition to the selection of the desired tone, the eyebrow shape correction is additionally carried out in the beauty salon. Performing painting by a professional master guarantees a qualitative result.

Typically, the procedure takes no more than 30 minutes, depending on the cosmetic products used and the need for preparatory work.

How to brighten your eyebrows at home

With hydrogen peroxide

The easiest and most affordable way is to use hydrogen peroxide. Please note that after the procedure, the eyebrows can become almost white, so carefully follow the clarification rate.

  • You will need hydrogen peroxide, shampoo, eyebrushes, brush for applying makeup, cream, a glass of warm water.
  • Clean the face to remove contamination, skin fat and cosmetics.
  • Rinse your eyebrows, foaming into the palms a small amount of soft shampoo (it is best to use a children's champoon that does not irritate the eye).
  • Gently apply a fat cream around the hair arc. This is necessary to eliminate the peroxide solution to the skin, which can lead to the appearance of white spots or irritation.
  • To prepare the mixture, take a non-metallic container, add a glass of warm boiled water and 0.5 h. Spoons of hydrogen peroxide, mix well. Observe the proportions, otherwise you risk the loss of hairs.
  • Apply the solution on the eyebrows with a brush, and then distribute the brush using the brush.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse the face with plenty of warm water.

Lightening with a special cream

  • Prepare the face and eyebrow area in the same way as described above.
  • Apply the cream first on one eyebrow, wash after 1 minute, then another eyebrow. This approach is recommended for determining the exact exposure time. A longer exposure time can lead to burns and hair loss.
  • After carrying out the procedure, apply the nutrient cream to humidifying the dried skin on the face.

Lightening decoction herbs

This method is the safest for holding at home, but will require a longer time and does not suit for clarifying black eyebrows.

  • To prepare a decoction, take 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry grass - chamomile or calendula, pour the glass of boiling water, bring to a boil on the water bath and leave for 15-20 minutes to insist.
  • Strain and add to Nasta 5-6 drops of lemon juice.
  • Apply a remedy for the purified area of \u200b\u200bthe eyebrows 2 times a day before getting the desired result. Depending on the source color and the structure of the hairs, you may need from 2 days to several weeks.
  • For better impact, it is recommended to prepare fresh decoction daily.

Use of paints for eyebrows

After brightening, the eyebrow often acquire a yellowish unnatual shade, so further staining is necessary.

Conventional hair staining tools are forbidden to use for eyebrows.

The market for cosmetic products presents a wide variety of special professional dyes, which can be applied at home.

  • When choosing a staining tool, you need to proceed from the purpose of this procedure. If you are planning a regular clarification, give preference to resistant non -ammatic paints. If you want to temporarily change the image, choose from soft tinting agents with hypoallergenic formula.
  • Before staining, apply fat cream around the eye, and after the lightening, use soft leaving on the eyebrow area.
  • When preparing the composition, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer and strictly follow the proportions of mixing and the time of aging.
  • In case of eye diseases, do not use the means containing ammonia.
  • Before the first use of any dye, spend the test for an allergic reaction.

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