How to issue a book of reviews and suggestions

How to issue a book of reviews and suggestions

The book of reviews and suggestions should be in every store, restaurant or organization that provides paid services. For customers and visitors, this book is the face of your business. By how it is drawn up and maintained, one can judge the level and quality of the services you provide. To look solid, we recommend that you consider it to create seriously and read the recommendations, how to issue a book of feedback and suggestions placed below.

Materials that will be needed

It is necessary for your hand to:

  • typographic book of reviews and suggestions or ordinary notebook, album;
  • thick threads;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • white sheet of paper;
  • scissors;
  • pen;
  • awl.

You can already buy a book in a stationery store. This option will look more presentable and thoroughly. To turn the usual overall notebook in the book of complaints, too, but here you will have to work a little more.

We undertake to work

First of all, we flash our book:

  • making holes at the root of the book with a sewn (the amount does not matter: two, three, four holes - no matter);
  • we produce threads in them, we associate;
  • on the last page inside the book, the nodule is tied to which a piece of a rectangular or square shape is glued;
  • we write on this piece of paper: "Wetted, numbered and fastened to seal ...";
  • we also point out on it who made a signature (position, full name), how many sheets, date, then describe.

If your Yul has a print, it means that the sheet is glued to the knot, it is necessary to put it. At the same time, it should cover part of this leaflet and part of the sheet of the book (passing around the joint) so that some manipulations and fraud do not remain unnoticed in the future. If there is no print, lay out at this place.

We decorate inside

If the sheets of your book are not numbered - this is considered an administrative offense for which a fine will have to pay. Therefore, do not forget to put the numbering on each sheet on the one hand (inversely not numbered). The numbers can be stailed either in the right upper, or in the lower corner.

Blank book reviews and suggestions Can be found here.

An example of the completed book reviews and suggestions here.

Information that should be specified

The first sheet of a plaintive book is assigned to the instruction of its maintenance. On the second page there should be information in the form of a table or simply text broken to blocks where the addresses and phone numbers of your legal entity will be indicated or yours personally, if you are doing business as a private entrepreneur. The third page is a place for information about controlling authorities: their names, addresses, telephones.

Rules of filling in consumers who want to leave their review

Write feedback (complaint, suggestion) follows from one side of the sheet, the second leaving for the report of the head (director / owner). He must "unsubscribe", that is, literally under your message to report on the work done to eliminate comments. After the text you have written, it is better to leave your contacts, then you will have to call back within a month and tell what has been taken by the results of the consideration of your complaint. The absence of such notifications is a reason for addressing controlling authorities.

Storage rules

The book ideally should be in the "Corner Corner". It is used to the last page. After it was completely filled, it should still be stored for 1 year.

The absence or improper maintenance / registration of a plaintive book threatens with administrative responsibility. Do it all immediately "by law" to check the controlling authorities to you are not terrible. And besides, a neat and careful filled book of reviews and suggestions is a big plus for you in the eyes of consumers.

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