Editing or mounting images in Photoshop Editor, very often the user works in parallel with several layers. At the stage of forming a finished picture, there is a need to combine individual groups of layers or all layers in a single image. How to do it?
Algorithm for combining layers - grouping of two layers
This method will help glue two layers located next to each other. Before the combination process, only 1 layer must be isolated. To implement intention it follows:
- In the layer tab ("Layer"), find the pair you need.
- By installing the mouse on the top layer, click once right key.
- Among the items that appeared the list, select the embodiment with the previous one (when using the English version of the editor, this item sounds like "Merge Down").
A similar result can be obtained by holding a combination of "hot" keys " Ctrl + E ". At the same time, the mouse should also stand on the top of the two glued layers.
Algorithm for combining layers - Grouping of selected layers
This type of combination of the layers is made in the same way as described in the previous paragraph with one amendment - before bonding it is necessary to allocate all layers to participate in the union.
If you need to select multiple sequentially located layers:
- Click once left key on the first layer.
- Press the "SHIFT" key.
- Click on the following layers involved in the allocation.
If it is necessary to allocate a group of non-measure layers:
- Click once left key on the first layer.
- Press the "Ctrl" key (if you work with Mac OS, hold "Command").
- Click on the following layers involved in the allocation.
When the selection of the necessary layers is completed, combine them, clamping a combination " Ctrl + E ". Or use the option of combining layers of the dropdown list.
The algorithm combining layers - grouping visible layers
The criterion "visibility" is the presence or absence next to the name of the layer of the eye icon. Before merging, the amount of selected layers can be any (including and not selected). To merge only visible layers needed:
- Remove the margin of visibility from all layers that will not participate in the merger. To do this, it is enough to click once left key on the image of the eye on all layers that should remain unchanged.
- Next, click the right key according to any of the visible layers and choose the option to combine them (in the English version - "Merge Visible").
The same result will be and when using a combination " Ctrl + SHIFT + E "(after removing the margin of visibility). The name of the resulting layer will be the same as it was at the top layer from the list of united.
Algorithm for combining layers - Grouping related layers
The criterion of "connected" is the icon in the form of clutch links, which may be present or absent in the layer string.
For associated reservoir requires:
- Allocate related areas:
- By pressing the right key, call the layers menu.
- Allocate related areas by selecting a string with the same name (or "SELECT LINKED LAYERS").
- Combine layers using the connection point.
Algorithm for combining layers - Grouping of layers with selection in a separate
This method will allow to combine layers, allocation of the result in a separate layer. At the same time, the layers participating in the merge still remain available for editing. To implement the method, it is necessary to hold the combination of "CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + E". It should be borne in mind that the layer, which is the initial background of your image, is also involved in the merger.