How to make a reflection in photoshop

How to make a reflection in photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a universal image processing tool. Until now, its potential is not disclosed 100%. Some operations are made in a couple of clicks, while others, more complex - using a variety of tools and techniques. Creation of reflection for objects or people in Photoshop - Trend of the last few years.

To reflect in Photoshop, at the first stage you must run the program. Open the desired editing file. In this example, we use Malinka on the spoon. Let the reflection line we will do at the bottom of the picture.

Pre-prepare the desired file, if necessary, reduce the size of the picture or cut it. Apply the tool specifically designed for this - frame.

Combining Ctrl + J keys, copy your drawing to a new layer. Name it duplicate. To place a reflection, add an empty space at the bottom of the picture with the same frame tool, increasing the original cloth.

We are approaching the desired result. Highlight in the layer panel - layer duplicate, reflect the vertically by the following editing commands - transform - reflect vertically.

The resulting image move down for full and accurate alignment with the top image, follow the white stripes.

As a result of all previous manipulations, an image should be obtained, very similar to reflection. It is possible to achieve a more realistic species by adding a gradient on a duplicate layer. Click on the layers panel to the bottom at the bottom of the icon - the layer mask. In the tools, click on the gradient. If instead of the gradient is drawn bucket, then just hush the mouse in the bucket and switch to the gradient. The above will display the gradient, mark the black, white.

Pulling the left mouse button, swipe the gradient from the bottom-up, strictly vertically, to the boundary of the original and reflection. It should turn out from white to black image. Release the mouse button.

Our picture is already more like a reflection, but still something is missing. For greater similar results, the bottom of the image must be pouring gray. Switch to the background layer. Turn off the visibility of the duplicate layer by removing the tick opposite the name. The rapid selection tool mark the plug-in area under the picture. Fill the area with uniform gray teams layers - a new layer - fill - color.

Turn on the visibility of the duplicate layer by putting a tick opposite the name. The layers are monitored, and the effect of dissolving our reflection will be achieved.

The resulting image and will be our reflection. The described method is suitable and in the case of creating horizontal reflection, select the horizontal reflection in the transformation point. If you wish, you can try to change the transparency, overlay styles or a variety of filters.

As you can see, the task is reflected in Photoshop - there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to carefully act as a step-by-step instruction. Turn on the fantasy, creative approach - and you always achieve the desired result. Acquired primary skills to work with Adobe Photoshop will help you in the further development of this wonderful program. Successes!

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