How to make a collage in photoshop

How to make a collage in photoshop

To master the art of collance by photoshop at least at the level of the amateur, you will have to work pretty. If you are ready for this, then proceed to work with a graphic editor - we will make a floral collage from photos in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Decide with templates for a collage - for example, you have unique colorful pictures of colors, similar to our, and you are ready to use them. Run photoshop and create a new document using the command: "File" → "Create" or "Ctrl" key combinations. Rename the Count "Unnamed", for example, to the "collage", and select the size of the future file, but so that it is suitable for the size of the selected photos.

Open one of the templates you choose through the "File" → "Open" or "Ctrl" + "O". This picture will serve as a basis for a collage.

Find the "Allocation" tab in the main menu of the program - the image is highlighted. Copy it "Ctrl" + "C", go to the "collage" and insert "Ctrl" + "V". Now pay attention to the palette of the layers - a new layer was added to the white background.

Next, open, according to paragraph number 2, the second photo of the flower, which you will use for collage. Highlight it and insert it to the main operating image, focusing on clause number 3. It takes another layer - "layer 2".

Reduce the second photo - activate for layer 2 using the "Ctrl" + "T" button tool "Transform". Next, holding the SHIFT modifier key, pull the mouse over the corner of the picture. Move the reduced flower to any place with the mouse.

Make similar actions with the last photograph. At this step, the picture can be transformed into a different size, and for example, turn a little angle with arrows, holding the "Shift".

Give each layer style - make the image stroke. Refer to the "Layers" palette and click twice on the top layer. In the "Layer Style" window that opens, select the last item.

Specify the desired structure - double-click on the "Stroke", where you select the color, size and position. In the same way, circle two subsequent layers.

Save your collage in the "JPEG" format through the main menu via the file "File" → "Save as" or Key combinations "Ctrl" + "S".

Beginner Photoshopters during the study of the main work window of the editor sometimes rearrange the tools and palettes places or inadvertently remove them. The key combination "SHIFT" + "Ctrl" + "Alt" when you start Adobe Photoshop, regardless of version, will help to return the initial settings of the program
in their place.

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