How to remove hair in photoshop

How to remove hair in photoshop

Digital photographs, revised by graphic editors, no one long is surprised. The most powerful and multifunctional among all programs for working with the photo is definitely Adobe Photoshop., whose development is a rather complicated process that takes a lot of time and forces from beginner photos of photocophers. We take a small step into the world of correction and retouching with the help of photoshop and its simple tools that help remove excess hair from the face.

Download and install on your PC any version of Adobe Photoshop CS graphics editor. Run the program by clicking on the "PS" labels on the desktop. Open the picture you need to retouch using the command in the Main menu of the File Program\u003e "Open" - the picture will appear in the work window photoshop.

Increase to the required sizes using a slider on the "Navigator" palette, the region in the photo that must be put in order - i.e. Remove extra hairs. Select the "Window"\u003e Navigator in the main menu - this palette will appear in the program window.

To remove excess hair on a portrait photograph, use the "stamp" tool, which will perfectly hold the cloning of the clean area of \u200b\u200bthe skin in the required place. Activate the "stamp" on the toolbar - it is always on the left side of the workspace by default. Click the left button of the mouse, holding the "alt", in a good section of the century - this area will designate a target circle. Then releasing the keyboard key, but by clicking the mouse, spend the retouching first of the same hairs, and then all the others, not forgetting to choose a cloning area. Increase or decrease the diameter of the "stamp" tool brush with curly brackets ().

Experiment with another good retouching tool called "Point Recovery Brush". Choose this tool - it is slightly higher than the stamp. Mouse over the brush to a part of the hairs and click on the mouse or select the entire hairs with a regenerating tassel, as if drawing on it, and release the mouse - the hair will disappear. For good photo processing, it is necessary to maximize the range of correction using the Navigator palette, and the diameter of the brush, on the contrary, is better reduced by a button (.

If you did not help the "stamp" and "restoring brush", you can try your hand with the help of the "Patch" tool, which is located there, where and the "restoring brush", but just below. Observe with a patchwork an unnecessary area, closer line, and drag the tool while holding it with the left mouse button, to clean place.

Screen 5.

Thanks to the painstopping of photoshop and the main retouching tools, it is possible to remove excess hair not only on the face, but also on any other skin area, which is always striking in the photo with your negrimity, if such a moment takes place, of course.

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