How to enable a ruler in photoshop?

How to enable a ruler in photoshop?

PhotoShop's graphics editor opens a lot of opportunities for creating and processing various images. In some cases, it may be necessary to accurately measure the object or the need to create an object of certain sizes. In this case, as when working on paper, a ruler comes to the rescue. How to activate and continue to work with this photoshop tool?

How to use the line in Photoshop?

Include a ruler in Photoshop in several ways. The easiest and fastest method is the use of "hot" keys. To activate the required tool, you must simultaneously hold the "Ctrl" and "R" keys.

Alternative way - search for the necessary options in the editor menu. For this you need:

  • Click the View tab (or "View" if you use the English-language version of Photoshop).
  • In the list that appears, choose the "line" (or "Rulers") item.
  • As a result, panels with divisions will appear on the upper and side limits of the open window.

By default, measurements are made in centimeters. If you need to use another mode of length, click right mouse button on the measuring scale (Linek panel). The drop-down list will feature all available for the selection unit of length. Installing necessary, by clicking the left mouse button once. An alternative way is to switch to the editor menu.

  • Click the Edit block ("Edit").
  • Next, select the "Settings" string ("Preferences").
  • Among the items of the fallen list click "Units & Rulers").

If the need to use the tool has disappeared, you can deactivate this option. To do this, you need to perform all the same actions as when the ruler is turned on - to hold the combination of Ctrl + R or go through the "view" path ("line") - "Rulers".

Working with rules in Photoshop - the use of guides

By default, the starting point is the top left corner of the working field (windows). If you need to measure from any other point of the open field, you should resort to the help of the guides (Guide). Guides are two types - horizontal and vertical.

First method

The easiest and fastest way to change the start point is to drag it into the required place. For this you need:

  • Take the cursor to the line of intersection of the Linek (left top corner).
  • Click the left mouse button and translate the cursor to the required point.
  • Release the cursor.

Second option

This method involves the addition of alternate vertical and horizontal guides

  • If the Linek Scale is active, let's move the cursor to it.
  • To add a horizontal guide, you must bring the cursor to the upper (horizontal) ruler, and then pull it down by installing at the required level.
  • To add a vertical guide, you should sum up the cursor to the scale located on the left side. You click on it with the mouse button and, without letting the mouse key, stretch the vertical guide to the required mark.

Third way - Using the editor menu

  • You click the "View" tab (or "View").
  • Next go down and select the "New Guide" string (or "New Guide").
  • A window will appear with the requirement of selecting the guide - horizontal or vertical. Mark the desired type of guide, its position (in PX) and click "OK".

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