How to set up router asus

How to set up router asus

Router, also called the router - the necessary device for Internet access. The easiest way to connect and settings is to follow the instructions that came with the current model when buying. If it is lost or for some reason is not available, we describe the work scheme in detail with a typical device from ASUS.

Turning on Router Asus

Despite the fact that we will consider the connection on specific examples (the router model - ASUS RT-N10, Beeline and Rostelecom providers), for other routers and operators it is easy to act by analogy. If you encountered any error during the first use of the router, recheck, whether its elements with a computer and the network are connected.

  • Standard router (in our case - ASUS RT-N10) requires a connection of at least 3 wires - nutrition, provider cable and "lace" leading to a PC. If in the first case everything is clear - just insert the power supply into the outlet, then the rest of the two connectors are important not to forget and not confuse. The Socket for the provider cable is usually marked with an image hinting for access to the Internet (Globe, WAN, etc.). Connectors leading to PCs are grouped together, marked with different colors and numbered. You can choose any LAN-port, most importantly, just in case, remember its number.
  • If the indicators on the surface of the router are not tanned - check whether the "POWER" button is pressed, including \\ off the device.

Before setting up via the web interface, it is worth conducting some preparatory check on the computer:

  • if earlier on the PC was already access to the Internet, disconnect it and use the one that appears during the configuration process of this router;
  • click the "Win + R" buttons, enter the command nCPA.cpl;
  • a window will appear with Internet connections - right-click on the local location, which is installed with the router;
  • from the context menu, select "Properties";
  • in a new window, under the line "Components are used by this connection" Select "protocol version 4";
  • click on it, under the window we click the "Properties" button;
  • in the connection parameters, IP and DNS - "automatically" must be specified.

Configure Routher Asus via Web Interface

When the preliminary manipulations are completed, proceed to the final stage of the process:

  • run any browser;
  • in the address row we write;
  • we will welcome the authorization window, requesting a login and password;
  • we enter in the Admin \\ admin field (if it does not work - we reset the preset password with the reload button on the router housing);
  • in the menu, select the "WAN" section and enter the parameters specified on the attached video (the connection to Beeline is considered, for other providers - contact technical support or check in the contract);
  • after pressing the "Apply" button, the router must establish an Internet connection and open sites without problems.

So that the router began to distribute WiFi, in the web interface menu, select the "Wireless Network" section, fill in SSID items (Network Name), Authentication - WPA2-PERSONAL, WPA key - your password.

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