How to set up the Internet on windows 7

How to set up the Internet on windows 7

In the article, we will look at how to connect the Internet when the "Insert Cable" method does not work.

How to configure the Internet on Windows 7 - a new connection

To do this, we need login and password from the contract, which was concluded with the provider.

  • Right-click the Internet icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select the "Network and Shared Access Center"; You can via the "Control Panel", but this way will be faster.
  • Select "Creating a new connection or network" - "Internet connection".
  • "High-speed (with PPPoE)".
  • We enter the name and password, as in the contract; We can call somehow our connection in the "Connection Name" row.
  • Click "Connect", check.

How to configure the Internet on Windows 7 - Network Map

If an exclamation mark is burning on the Internet access icon, this method is useful. We will also need data that can be taken from the contract or look at the computer, we will show how.

  • With the right mouse click on the network access icon, select "Network and Shared Access Center" and on the left "Changes of Adapter Parameters".
  • Now press the right mouse button on the connection that uses usually "connection on the local network".
  • We choose the "Internet version 4" protocol, click on it once and then "properties" to operate information about it.
  • We prescribe data from the contract in lines. You can also learn them: right-hand mouse click on our connection used, we look at the "state".
    Those who are connected via the router, on the contrary, you need to set the receipt of IP and DNS to automatic, because Routers most often give addresses automatically.
  • Click Save and test the Internet. The icon, by the way, can not change immediately.

If a 651 error occurs when trying to connect, it says that the problem lies in the network card drivers, and they will need to reinstall or update.

In other cases, if there is still no access to the Internet, without a doubt, contact the service provider, since it is he who can help you.

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