The Internet confidently conquers positions in our time. They enjoy everywhere. Schoolchildren, students will not be able to do homework without the Internet. In enterprises, it is simply necessary to communicate with partners and paperwork. To relax and chat with friends at the other end of the world love almost everything. But how to set up a network, namely MTS, not everyone knows.
You can go to the site of this company and get instructions. To do this, it will only be necessary to select your phone's operation and at the top to specify the area of \u200b\u200bresidence. It is easy to get an Internet connection settings if you send an empty SMS to number 1234. You will receive response SMS, where it will be said what to do. Namely: All settings will be required, be sure to save, activate the profile and turn off, then turn on the phone.To configure the internet connection, it is not necessary to be a programmer. The execution of this operation can be carried out without any special knowledge. The main thing is to understand and correctly enter the source data.