How to get rid of ants on the garden

How to get rid of ants on the garden

Probably, everyone who is the owner of a land plot, a nursery and cottage, faced such a problem as - the population of ants in your territory. Let's figure out today how to cope with such a problem and that for this you need to know.

Global problem

In fact, these minor insects are a serious problem, which is not so easy to get rid of how it may seem at first glance. If the ants came and settled on your site, you can be confident that it is for a long time, and their number will be very quickly increased. They build their anthill, they are very fast, so long to wait for their increase and a particular settlement to the owner of the site exactly not.

It should be noted that the owner of the site wins far from every anti-ants, so don't think that it will be very simple. Despite the fact that some consider them natural agencies, it is worth getting rid of them, and the opinion on Sanitars is not truthful.

The fact is that the forest ants are truly sanitation forests, but the garden ants are the problem of the owner of this site, so these are completely different ants and with a different way of life and the place of settlement.

Get rid of ants or not?

In fact, there are two opposite opinions, alone with both hands in order to remove insects from the site. Others, they say about what to do this is not necessary. Let's wonder everything for and mind:

  • Where the ants live, the soil in its composition contains an order of magnitude more than such components as calcium and phosphorus.
  • Ants are those creatures that feed on caterpillars and pests of land plots that bring one harness and problems.

Agree, it seems so far all the arguments on the side of the ants, but now let's talk about the dangers that they can bring:

  • The ants eat greens, thereby attracting a very dangerous pest to your land plot. They, together with each other, eat plants and trees, attacking and from all sides, so to speak, on all fronts.
  • The ants are very quickly upset, pull the mass of underground strokes in all directions, thereby spoil the flower beds, lawns etc.
  • Most species are powered by plants, and therefore they are pests for all 100%.

Agree, these arguments turn out to be a weighing of those that justified the favor of ants on the land plot.

Of course, it is possible to decide only to get rid of ants or leave them on the plot, and if you chose the first option. Then read on, the information will be useful to you.

Choose anti-ants

Today in specialized stores you can find a huge set of chemical type preparations that will become excellent assistants in the fight against ants. If they decide to settle in your site. It is worth noting that not everyone agrees to use this kind of drugs on their land, because it is also saturated with chemicals that need to negatively affect the qualitative characteristics of the soil. If you feel about such people or consider the destruction of ants with chemicals not humane, then there are a number of ways more suitable in this case:

  • Do not forget that the insects under consideration can be reacting enough to respond to various kinds of odors, which is why you can bring something bad or sharply smelling to the anthill. It can be a fish head, anise leaves, peeled from a shell garlic, sawdust, etc. The main thing is that you do not react too much to such odors. You can also pour kerosene near anthill (do not try to adjourn it).

  • To get rid of ants, plan garlic or parsley on the basis, because these insects avoid such a neighborhood.
  • I do not like ants of also vegetable oil, turpentine, ashes of tobacco, etc. You can use all these components in the fight against these insects.
  • The ants do not tolerate water and fear it, so water in this case is an excellent assistant with ants. You can heat the water and pour all the moves to the anthill boiling water and ants, those that survive, immediately leave the place (and there will be not so much such, you can even say units).

Other methods of struggle

In order to get rid of ants in your garden, use the same ways below:

  • Near the bushes with fruits you need to put a rag, pre-dipped in kerosene. Believe me, they will bypass such places "Tenth Dear".
  • Near the gooseberry or currant bushes, sit in the kalendul's whole rows. Ladybugs will fly more intense and eat TRU, thereby scaring insects.
  • In order to in the garden, the trees did not attacked the ants, it is necessary to bind the barrel with a rag pre-tested in the carbolovoy solution.
  • Near the trees or on the branches themselves, install plastic cut-off water bottles, in which sugar dissolved, and the neck of the bottle to lubricate anise oil

  • Do not be lazy and paint the trunks of the trees with lime, because it scares not only ants, but also other harmful insects.
  • There is still a very simple way to remove ants on the garden - take salt and fall asleep to her the anthill, as well as the place where a large number of these insects accumulate.

In fact, there is a huge number of ways to deal with ants, it remains only to choose which it is for you and how you will do it.

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