Boric acid from cockroaches

Boric acid from cockroaches

A lot of money was invented from the cockroaches, with the help of which you can quickly get rid of the uninvited guests. But besides shopping gels and aerosols for the destruction of cockroaches, folk methods are popular, one of which is boric acid. Is it really destroying cockroaches and how to use it?

Boric acid: information about the folk remedy

Boric acid is a monosocond acid with a pronounced insecticidal and antiseptic effect. Outwardly, it resembles colorless crystals without a catchy odor and taste. In high doses is mortally dangerous for a person. Due to these properties, boric acid is used to destroy pests, in particular and cockroaches.

To combat cockroaches, boric acid are used in the form of a powder or its solution, as well as boric alcohol. The latter is less effective, since the smell of alcohol repels cockroaches.

How does boric acid act on cockroaches and is it safe for people?

Boric acid even in a small amount causes terrible discomfort at the insect, if he gets on his paws. Then boric acid penetrates the digestive tract, disturbing its functioning. If you use a substance at higher doses (approximately 1-2 g per insect), the cockroach dies from the exhaustion of the body.

As for the influence of boric acid per person, then there are precautions. In small doses, boric acid is not dangerous if it is not inhaled and not taken inside. However, it should be remembered that 20 g of this substance is a deadly dose for an adult, for kids it is significantly lower and equal to 5 g.

Boric acid from cockroaches: use options

Boric acid against cockroaches can be used in different ways:

  • Lower the powder in those places where cockroaches most often appear. Also, do not forget to sprinkle sinks, cracks under the plinth, zone near the garbage bucket. Now it remains to wait for the guests and drink the paws in a boric acid.
  • Mix a boric acid with flour 1: 1, pour the mixture on the teaspoon to the cardboard sheets, and place in those places where pests appear. A mixture of flour will attract pests and they will rather get out of shelter.
  • Prepare 100 g of boric acid and two chicken yolks, mix the ingredients and form balls from them. Let them dry two or three hours and spread in the form of bait.
  • Mix boiled yolk with two tablespoons of boric acid and 20 g of sunflower oil. Prepare from the dough pellet spread in places of pests.
  • Boil one potato in the uniform, break with the yolk and 25 g of boric acid. Make balls and spread. Cockroaches will soon resort to enjoy a pleasantly smelling bait.
  • In 50 ml of water, dissolve 20 g of boric acid and the pinch of sugar. Pour fluid into a small saucer and arrange home.

Advice! The toxic action of boric acid is neutralized by drinking, so the cockroaches need to restrict access to water. It is better to set the tank with water, diluted with a boric acid solution.

Trying to bring cockroaches from home, proceed carefully. Do not sput a boric acid by hand, better place less in order not to scare off cockroaches.

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