How to bring cockroaches from the apartment

How to bring cockroaches from the apartment

No one likes to live with pests, but the cockroaches do not want to leave your apartment. Fighting with them will become a heavy and long matter. But if we argue with certain knowledge - unwanted neighbors will quickly leave your housing and live in the apartment will again become comfortable and safe.

How from the apartment to bring cockroaches - chemistry

Modern chemical preparations will help forever get rid of the sucked pests. Use the following tools:

  • sprays. Act quickly, but the impact ends after 2-3 hours. If you find the socket of cockroaches - send the sprayer there, and the cockroaches are dying instantly. You can clean the places of accumulation of their cluster. Close the apartment and leave it for a few hours. Then everything is good, carry out the rooms and make a wet cleaning. Popular aerosols - Dichlofos, Kombat, Raid and Raptor;
  • gels. There are no longer and leave the apartment you do not need. Popular gels - houses, Absolute, Eurogard and others. The smell of the drug attracts the saturated guests, there is poisoning of individual individuals that infect everyone else and after 3-5 days the cockroaches will die. Apply a means around the perimeter of the room and try to penetrate in hard-to-reach places and cracks;
  • powders and pencils. Economic option, but if domestic animals live in the house - be very accurate using the means. Popular drugs - Agran, Duplet and others;
  • traps. According to the principle of action similar to the mousetrap. Little boxes with poison decompose or expose in the habitat of pests. The cockroach takes a poisonous substance to his family and infect all the relatives. Through time, everything is dying.

How to bring cockroaches from the apartment - folk remedies

Folk remedies are more effective than chemistry and safe to use. Relevant if small children and pets live in the house. Several folk remedies:

  • boric acid. Boil the egg by screwing and drunk a little potato mashed potatoes. Mix egg yolk with potatoes and add 40 g of boric acid there. Stir the mixture and roll the balls from it. Spread out all over the apartment. You can simply sprinkle with a dry boric acid area where there are pests accumulation. People will not harm, and it is advisable to put animals into another room. The same action has a bora;
  • homemade trap. At the bottom of the half-liter cans pour some liquid honey. From the inside of the neck of the jar to spread the thick strip of vegetable oil or vaseline. Put a couple of cans to the places where cockroaches live. They climb at honey, and back will not get out - they stick. But the pests will have to destroy;
  • plants. Buzina, Melissa, Mint, Bagheva and Eucalyptus exude an unpleasant smell for cockroaches. Make small bouquets from plants and trees near ventilation or spread in places to accumulate pests. They will not dismiss the smell of plants and leave housing.

How to bring cockroaches from the apartment - challenge specialists

If nothing helps - call disinsectors. The method is expensive, but from the preached neighbors you get rid of accurately. Experts use drugs safe for people and pets. They will find all the locations of the dislocation of insects, and there will be no larvae or adult individuals in the rooms. Of course, you will have to leave the apartment for a while, but then just ventilate the room and make a wet cleaning.

How to bring Tarakanov from the apartment - elimination of reasons

If you make your apartment unfriendly to accommodate cockroaches from their point of view, then output them easily. To do this, observe simple rules:

  • remove food to the places where cockroaches do not break. Products are hermetically pack in banks or trays;
  • dry wipe on the night bath and sink. Cockroaches will remain without water, and they want to drink;
  • carefully clean the apartment. Wash regularly gender not only in the middle of the room, but also under the furniture;
  • do not leave the garbage bucket and take the garbage in time;
  • agree with neighbors about the joint destruction of parasites, if the cockroaches live in many apartments. Common efforts to process the basement;
  • get all the cracks in the apartment so that insects do not penetrate them;
  • install the lattices on the ventilation holes.

Start fighting cockroaches without delay. They breed quickly, and get rid of their number of them difficult. If you support cleanliness in the apartment and use our advice - cockroaches will leave your dwelling forever.

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