How to get rid of a paw-tick on indoor plants

How to get rid of a paw-tick on indoor plants

The web tick is a malicious pest, and omnipresent. He can hit almost all plants, with the exception of water, so those who breed at home flowers or plants will still have to come up with this kind of problem. Let's figure it out today in what this pest represents and there are methods to combat it.

Types of spider mite

In fact, there are several varieties of such a pest, and each "better" is the following:

  • Ordinary tick. A distinctive feature of such a pest is its size, it does not exceed half a millimeter. As it became clear, this is a very small and harmful tick. Some length can reach 0.6 mm, but most often it is a female tick.
  • Atlantic tick. In our regions there is not so often, so it's not worth paying a lot of attention.
  • Red-legged glue. This name speaks for itself. This is a small tick, which has red paws with which he fats its harmful cob.

In order to start fighting such a pest, it is necessary to be aware of this issue in this matter, that is, know everything about this mclutter:

  • It is necessary to immediately note that in the web that this tick can live two, or even three generations of the same insects.
  • These ticks are multiplied operational than and are dangerous. If you do not notice the problem in time, it will completely turn into a global one from the minimum. They also grow very quickly, after 19 days after the hatch, they become full-fledged individuals.
  • It can negatively affect the process of their reproduction, too low temperature indicators, as well as too high environmental humidity, which can be used during the fight against them. But the main danger is that as soon as the environmental conditions are settled - there is a massive infection, it will cope with which it will be extremely difficult.
  • It is not necessary to release from the view that this parasite moves from one plant to another and can hit all living plants around, and the radius of infection will constantly grow.
  • The color of the tick can be different, starting with brownish, ending with green. It should also be noted that the rate of development of the larvae and the ripening of the ticks directly depends on the temperature indicators than the above, the faster this process of development and reproduction occurs. This factor should become decisive when choosing the time of processing of affected plants.

  • The full processing of all plants in your house does not guarantee that you were able to get rid of all ticks, because some of them hide in different parts of the room.

Signs of lesions

Let's figure it out with signs that are talking about the damage to the plants with tick:

  • The presence of white points on the plants leaves. The problem lies in the fact that the bottom of the sheets are affected primarily.
  • Then appears on the leaves and the stem, small clusters are very small, but thick cobwebs.
  • Ticks eat smoothly, but quickly parts of plants and ultimately the leaves become white, and there are a lot of cobwebs. Ultimately, it turns out that on extreme sheets a huge accumulation of sputum grids, in which ticks are inhabited, which are most often not visible.

Harm from such "immigrants" is really global:

  • Eating a plant
  • Distributor of a number of various infections
  • Spoils the appearance of colors and other home plants

Let's now consider preventive measures to in your home, such a tick appeared on your plants.

Preventive measures

We note immediately that, if in the room where you grow plants too dry air, the probability of the appearance of the pest under consideration increases at times. It turns out that if you support the proper level of moisture in the room and at the same time regularly spray all the plants, the risk of plants lesion by a bypass tick will be negligible.

It turns out that giving up for its plants that you grow at home. You provide them with not only normal development and vital activity, but also tear them from attacking various sodes of pests, including a spider tick.

But, despite all this, you should not breed moisture indoors, because the true web tick is afraid of such a situation, but a false tick, on the contrary, feels great in rooms with high levels of humidity.

When you spray plants, make sure that the moisture is not long done in the recesses that there is a plant. Otherwise, this can lead to the development of such a process as posting, it is also very important to know.

If you decide to wash off the pawkin tick. By placing the plant in the water completely, then be sure that your efforts will be in vain. Because their shells perfectly protect their bodies from the penetration of moisture and on the web water will also dry very quickly, so this method does not apply to effective.

Methods of combating a spider tick

There are different ways to combat ticks:

  • First of all, the economic soap with warm water and this solution is well treated all parts of the plant that are amazed by a spider tick. Such an operation will not fully eliminate you from the pest, but will reduce at least their number is twice.
  • Do not forget that during processing you need to carry out this procedures not only on the plant itself, but also in place where it grows (if it is a windowsill, then it also needs to be treated with the selected composition).
  • If only you detect something similar on the spider tick on the plant. Immediately insulating it from the rest, because such an infection spreads very quickly.
  • Another way - flood the plant is very good and cover it to the very root of the cellophane package. So that oxygen does not fall inside, and insects could not get out of it. Three days later, open the package and see what happened there. In such an environment, the type of mites is dying, so this method can be called accessible and efficient.

Among other things, it is also possible to use a chemical preparation that can be used without problems in a specialized store.

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