Bellenka in greenhouse - how to get rid of

Bellenka in greenhouse - how to get rid of

If you think that in the greenhouse on plants can not start pests, then you are very mistaken. Greenhouse plants are even more susceptible to different insect pests than in the garden. Among them, the whiteflink is small (close 2 mm in length), white moths, which sits on the leaves of tomatoes, pepper, cucumbers and other vegetables, and eat them. About how you can fight with pests as a whitefold, we will find out in this article.

How to find out what the whiteflink settled in the greenhouse?

The fact that the whiteberry settled in your greenhouse can be found in the following signs:

  • In the greenhouse come across sticky leaves of plants
  • Some leaves twist or fed, and begin to fade
  • Light larvae found on the inside of some leaves
  • Some leaves are covered with yellowish stains with fuzzy boundaries.
  • If, passing by the bush, you hurt him, and a flock of small moths crashes out of it

If there is at least one sign in your greenhouse, it means that there was a dangerous pest in it - a whiteflink. It quickly multiplies, and if you do not fight it, soon the plants can aby.

How does the whitebarry harm in the greenhouse?

For plants, the whitebird is dangerous as follows:

  1. White fillings drink all useful juices from plants, and then highlight a sticky fluid, on which all sorts of fungi love to develop.
  2. The whiteflies multiply very quickly and in large quantities. For the summer season, with favorable conditions, it can take up to 10 broods.

We will get acquainted with a blonde, settled in a greenhouse, closer

To know how to destroy the whitefold, learn it closer.

Adult whiteflies are laying off from the bottom side of the sheet, eggs. The larvae quickly will fall out of the eggs that begin to feed with young leaves hard. And this moment can not be missed. At this time, they are easiest to destroy them, since the next stage of their development: the larva turns into a doll, and forms an impenetrable cocoon around him, and no insecticides take it. Then an adult whitebird appears, but her body is further covered with a wax layer, and this complicates the fight against it.

Bellenka in Teplice - how to deal with it mechanically?

This method of combating the blonde is suitable if moths are found in one way. He is the most harmless to plants and man.

How to deal?

  1. Flying whiteflies can be collect And manually destroy.
  2. Sitting on the leaves of moths white bold long with a stream of waterBut this is an unreliable method.
  3. If there are few plants, their leaves can water with soap solution.
  4. Buy sticky yellow traps, and spend them over plants (whiteflies love yellow).
  5. Make a trap themselves: We mix robust rosin with castor oil, honey and vaseline, heating everything and mix. The homogeneous mass is applied to the cardboard and hang in the greenhouse above the tops of the plants.

Bellenka in greenhouse - how to deal with it with a biological way?

A biological method for the destruction of whiteflowers on plants in the greenhouse also does not cause harm to people who will have these vegetables.

What methods?

  1. Write in Teplice bugs "Ladybug" or Zlatovka, they will quickly destroy all the whiteflies.
  2. Spray plants in greenhouse weak nasty garlic (5-6 garlic teeth at 0.5 liters of water, insist 1 week). It turned out concentrated infusion. Before splashing plants, we pour 1 liter of water 1 tsp. Concentrated infusion, and sprinkle.
  3. Preparing drawankicinfusion(40 g of roots and leaves from dandelion, 1 liter of water, let it breed 2-3 days). Then the TSDIM obtained by infusion and splashes on the plants.
  4. Make infusion of thousands of thousands (80 g of grass, 1 liter of water, let's breed 2 days), TSDIM and spray on plants.
  5. Preparing nabine Tobacco (400 g of tobacco on 1 bucket of water, let us breed 2 days), then we dilute another 1 bucket of water, we stir 40 g of crawle out of soap in it, and spray plants.
  6. Sadim in Teplice pIRMUAnd the whitebird will fly away.
  7. Can buyone of the following Biopreparatov, and splash them plants:
    Bioinsecticide actor

Bellenka in greenhouse - how to deal with it with a chemical way?

This is not the best option, but if the pests divorced a lot, and the larvae appeared, then it is the most effective way.

What to take insecticides?

  • Biotlin (most effective)
  • Permeter
  • Aktar.
  • Nedudoshan
  • Malation.
  • Kra Deo Super Aerosol
  • Typermethrin

In order for the active substance on the leaves longer, we add insecticide grated insecticide.

Bellenka in the greenhouse - what to do, so as not to appear again?

To make the bellarge not started at the next spring again, in the fall you need to do the following:

  • Remove from the greenhouse after harvesting all plants, even small branches, and burn.
  • In the fall, step deep ground in the greenhouse, if the larvae remained deeply, they will freeze.
  • Do not make a compost yam in the greenhouse, different pests may come true there.
  • For the winter, remove the top of the greenhouse, so the larvae will accurately frozen.
  • In the spring, before planting plants in a greenhouse, sprinkle the cordical earth with a copper or iron.
  • If over the summer, the whiteflinkle divorced a lot, take the top layer of the earth in the fall, and throw away.

So, now we know that if you find a whitebird in a greenhouse, it is necessary to destroy it immediately, otherwise it may be too late.

Video: Bellenka. Fight measures. Are looking for

Comments leave a comment
Yuri. 28/01/2020 at 18:41

The flue checkers are very effectively helped against whiteflinkle in the greenhouse. Such as: "Quiet evening" or "City". Somehow they quickly and effectively helped get rid of this pest. I recommend to everyone!

To answer
Olga 03/31/2020 at 15:34

Tell Yuri, where did you buy these miracle checkers?

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S. Gaidamak 02/11/2020 at 16:26

Olga, in my opinion these checkers are still in the online store

To answer
Nicholas. 26/04/2021 at 12:08.

Yuri, checkers about which you say destroy insects due to permethrin in smoke. There is no deadly action on the whiteflink. Against whiteflies should be used by a slightly other chemical substance - cypermethrine. Cypermethrine is contained in the smoke of the checkers called "Fomor Vet".

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