TRIPS on indoor plants - how to deal

TRIPS on indoor plants - how to deal

Indoor plants are decorated with window sills of each house. Care of flowers is very responsible, because each plant needs a special approach. When the flowers begin to disappear, they must urgently save and reanimate. The main enemies of houseplants are parasites and insects that can quickly "kill" flower. In our article we will tell you how to deal with the trips, the most dangerous pests of living colors.

What do triples look and why they appeared on colors

When you notice that the flower began to disappear, it is necessary to inspect it for the presence of parasites. TRIPS may appear at any time of the year, especially in the hot period. In the heating season, it is also possible to meet tryps, they feel great when the room is heated and the air indoors becomes dry. The first signs that trips attacked the plant are:

  • the flower leaves lost brightness, became pale, sluggish, they appeared points in the form of punctures (outwardly resemble small holes);
  • curvature of the stem;
  • the leaves have a silver shade;
  • flower buds are deformed, faded quickly;
  • on the inside of the leaf, there are white larvae (in the launched version you can see adults in the form of brown oblong bugs, sometimes with wings).

There are several types of trips that may appear on indoor plants:

  • decorative (adult individual reaches a size of 2 mm., affects indoor orchids, diffenbahia and decorative palm trees);
  • the drapet (adult insect has a yellow shade, almost all kinds of houseplants amazing, in particular the draping, hibiscus, ficus);
  • the ordinary (the most common type of tryps, multiplies very quickly, parasitis on an absolutely any room flower, an adult individual has a dark brown torso, size of 1 mm.).

Effective preparations from TRIPS

As soon as on the plant, you noticed the first signs of the presence of a parasite, the affected flower should be urgently sent to quarantine (remove the rest of untouched plants and spend a thorough inspection on them). First of all, you need to remove the larvae and adults. Carefully put on the flower polyethylene package and transfer the plant to the bathroom. The package is necessary in order to travel to other plants during displacement, tryps or run around the apartment. Flower is well painted from the shower, processing each leaflet. After such a procedure, you can proceed to spray with chemicals. The most effective are:

  • Phytodeterm - bioprepat, which will help to quickly get rid of the TRIps of different ages (from larvae to adults) in a short period of time, wept phytodeterm according to the instructions, generously spray the affected plant and put the package for 24 hours on it;
  • The confident is not sprayed, and the soil is watered in which the plant is growing;
  • Intavir - the drug is sold in tablets, which need to dissolve in water, the resulting solution spray a flower, pay special attention to the leaves, after the procedure to wear a package on the plant, remove after 24 hours;
  • Actress - the tool is offered in ampoules. Despite the effective fight against insects, it is not recommended to use people suffering from allergies of different species, as the drug has a specific, unpleasant smell.

Folk remedies from the trips

If you are a supporter of folk methods, then be sure to use our advice. They are not less effective from chemicals, but the treatment of a room plant can delay.

  • 150 g of dry flowers of the drug chamomile pour 200 ml. boiling water, to insist for a day, spray them a plant 1 time per day;
  • pour into the deep container of turpentine, place the flower in the pot in it, stand 3 hours;
  • leaves and stem washed under the shower with the household soap;
  • dandelions together with the leaves are crushed, pour hot water, insist until the water becomes room temperature, spray the affected flower daily;
  • loading onions on a shallow grater, add 200 ml. Warm water, insist 3 hours and treat indoor plant.

Do not forget about the methods of prophylaxis, keep the flowers clean, spray regularly. Keep track of the temperature and humidity level of the room where the plants are located.

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