Small annoying cockroaches with them have always been and there will be problems. Sometimes it seems that it is simply impossible to get rid of them. There is a lot of ways to combat insects, and today we will talk about the war with cockroaches that are incomprehensible to appear everywhere and everywhere. Let's consider in detail how to prepare the acid boric acid at home, and how to make a remarkable remedy from it annoying and everywhere living cockroaches.
Effective tool
Cockroaches love to live where people live, and if the first such cohabitation is joy, then for the second it is a real problem. Not only are they have a very unpleasant look. So they are still:
- caress for food by drinking them
- spoil the wallpaper
- damage colors
- are peddles of various kinds of infections and diseases
- cock the fear on residents living in the premises
They build their "houses" everywhere, but their favorite places of their habitat and reproduction are:
- under plinth
- near sewer pipes
- in the closet
- in places where it is hard to get a person (hidden from the eyes)
In general, the presence of cockroaches in the residential room is really a problem, so let's understand more about the manufacture of an effective means against them, the basis of which will be boric acid. This agent is already checked for years, so it can be called effective with confidence.
Before using boric acid against annoying insects, it is necessary to know about all its properties, because in addition to positive, there are also negative points that everyone needs to know who decided to apply for the purposes under consideration.
It is important to know that at a temperature of +170 0 Boric acid melts. At the same time, there is also a loss of moisture, that is, water, and the chemical properties of the acid under consideration are changed. It should also be noted that in its pure form, the substance under consideration is not as often. It is located as part of Sasolina, as well as in mineral waters (in low concentrations).
For those who do not know, all means and compositions containing boric acid are toxic, it is worth considering during the use of the funds under consideration. But at the same time, the best means from insects just do not find, so if you decide all the same to use boric acid, you need to be extremely careful. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, as well as at the points of sales of household chemicals and insect funds.
Immediately note that boric alcohol is less effective for solving the task under consideration, so it is worth it to have this fact. Among other things, boric acid can also be sold in a shop of economic type.
Cooking from cockroaches
If you can correctly use the acid under consideration, success in the fight against these annoying and ubiquitous insects are provided to you. It is not necessary to think that the acid under consideration in the powder is not used - just take and pour the powder with a thin layer with a path around the sink and other sewer pipes, not forgetting about the toilet.
If you live in the room yourself, then this method can still be comfortable, but it is not always, because when you wash the floors, you remove, these tracks from boric acid will be an obvious interference to guid order. If you have children in the house, then it is no longer possible to use this tool in pure powder form.
Let's look at how to prepare and from which the bait consists of which boric acid includes:
- The first way is to mix the following ingredients among themselves - yolk chicken eggs and 4 tea full spoons of boric acid. Mix everything thoroughly, after which it is necessary to form small smooth balls from the resulting mass (so that they are not crumbly, and tight). Such a bait put in place of a large cluster of the insects under consideration and wait quite a bit. The result will not wait long for a long time. Cockroaches will lie dead, not reaching their holes, so after such a "war" with cockroaches, you need to always look under your feet.
- The next recipe - 2 tablespoons of the acid under consideration pour into some deep container. Following there we pour a similar amount of vegetable oil and crumbling yolk chicken egg there. Mix the balls from them and ride.
- Another simple recipe for cooking from cockroaches - for the preparation you will need chicken egg, boiled potatoes, boric acid. We boil potatoes and egg and connect with each other - 2 teaspoons of boric acid, boiled egg and one potatoes. Rolling balls from this mass and lay out cockroaches in the habitat.
- The following preparation option is a powder boric acid and flour. We combine the two ingredient under consideration among themselves (and the proportions must be equal). Pour this powder mass on some sheet or cardboard and leave the accumulation of these obsessive insects in places.
- Immediately, I would like to warn that if there are animals in the house, you should not do and use the means of boric acid, because the pet can eat the poison of the cockroaches prepared for the cockroaches and it will become a poisoning betner for the animal himself and even a fatal outcome is possible.
Prepare means of boric acid to fight cockroaches is very simple, so everyone can cope with this task, the main thing is that at hand the necessary ingredients are.