How to quickly reduce bruises under the eye

How to quickly reduce bruises under the eye

The bruise under the eye gives a not very presentable appearance of its owner. And it is not the cause of rest from work. Incorrectly processed bruises will last for a long time. Therefore, it is desirable after receiving the bruise in the rapid order to inspect and take emergency measures to reduce the bruise. The trouble can happen, both with a boxer and a housewife, which gets skiing from the upper shelf. Knowledge of azov first aid will be useful in any similar situation.

How to quickly reduce bruises under the eye cold

  • To speed up the healing process, you need to make a cold immediately after hitting. The bruise is damage to soft tissues, with a cluster of blood in the injury zone. Ice comes to mind, and it will be the right option. But you should know that you can not apply naked ice. This decision will worsen the situation with additional frostbite. Therefore, ice turns into a cotton fabric. Time actions: from 10 to 20 minutes, with small breaks on vacation.
  • If the trouble happened in the sports section, there should be special iron in place for such cases. The device is called "Boxing Iron", made of metal and reminds small in the form of the Soviet Iron.
  • Cold water in a bottle is also a good help option, or frozen foods. If the bruised blossoms greatly and closes the eye, it is important to consult a doctor. Perhaps? There will have to make a small incision to exit accumulated blood surplus. After first aid, it is better to continue the combined treatment.

How to quickly reduce bruises under the eye of ointment

After a day when the pain starts to leave, but tumor Slowly fall, you can continue working on the bruise. Welcome various types of ointments that are easy to find in pharmacy points. Such ointments warm up the sections, restore the vessels, blood circulation, remove the blood of blood in the place of the bruise. Mazi is applied with circular movements several times a day.

How to quickly reduce bruises under the eye bodium

  • A good and effective means is bodhaga. Sold in the form of grass or ointment. Effectively handles skin surface, bruises coming down faster. Ointment you just need to apply to the skin. It should be tinked with grass more, but it will be much cheaper at a price. Bodhaga - This is algae, it looks like a sponge for the body, in the structure of porous. Contains all the necessary substances for speedy recovery, namely, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, spongin. It helps not only from bruises, but also from bruises, wounds, removes the stool in the vessels.
  • During application bodhagi The skin can feel burning in the field of application. Such a feeling is considered the norm, since an important process is happening. recovery fabrics. Bodhaga In the form of ground, the grass is prepared additionally. To do this, divorces 1 tsp. bodhagi In a small amount of water. At the output, the mixture is obtained, a consistency resembling sour cream. After preparation, a pair of drops of salicylic acid is added. The mixture is applied to the bruise area like a mask. Time actions 5-7 min. Washed off warm water, superimposed every other day.

How to quickly reduce bruises under the eye by folk remedies

  • Cabbage sheet - 1 juicy cabbage sheet is placed between a cloth or bandages. You need a jackhammer knock By bandages before the release of juice. Or grind in blender Sheet, dip the dressing into the juice and impose it on top of the bruise. A similar event is carried out with leopa leaves.
  • Mixture of oils: chamomile (5 drops), majorana (2 drops), mirrous (2 drops), calendula juice (5 ppm). Mixture ingredients rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe bruise with light movements.
  • Compresses with white beans. To cook the beans until soft, spread it under the press and apply in the form of a compress on a damaged place. The mint bean is laid between bandages or a thin cloth. Beans must be warm.

The resorption of the bruise depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the depths of the injury (impact strength), the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. On average, the bruise under the eye, with proper care, disappears in the week. If you do nothing, then the injury can last month. Children have bruises much faster than adults. This is due to the best ability to regeneration fabrics. The younger man, the faster the wounds are herald on it.

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