Official instruction - sample design

Official instruction - sample design

Registration of the job instruction - the procedure is optional, there are no clear indications in TC on this. Nevertheless, this document may be needed in the event of labor disputes, for a clear regulation of employee functionality and when selecting candidates for a free vacation. Read more about what the job instruction needs, and how to make it, read in this material.

Purpose of the job instruction:

  • Define tasks, qualifying minimum, rights and obligations of the employee.
  • It is developed for all staff schedules, including vacant. When selection of personnel is a starting point for the description of the vacancy.
  • It serves to assess the conformity of the employee of the position.
  • For a new employee - the source of information on the expectations of the leadership and criteria for assessing the results of labor.
  • For a manager - a management tool and testing of the work performed.
  • When conducting annual certification helps to carry out a general assessment of the activities of the employee.
  • It may be an evidential base in court or controlling organs.
  • It will be useful if two employees occupy the same position and have different salaries.

What you need to know about job descriptions:

  • The document is issued in three copies. One remains at the staff of the personnel department (applied to a staffing schedule), the second is passed to the head of the structural unit, the third is directly an employee.
  • Often, the obligation to compile the job description is not assigned to an employee of the personnel department, but on the head of the structural unit, since it is better known for the specificity of the work.
  • It is drawn up as an application to an employment contract or a separate document.
  • If there is a trade union in the company, you need to coordinate the draft job description with him.
  • The document is approved by the head of the enterprise, signed by the head of the personnel department and the head of the relevant unit.

The main items of the job description:

  1. General Provisions: Appointment of a document, Category of position, work procedure, who will submit an employee, requirements for education and professional skills.
  2. Description of official duties: daily, weekly, monthly.
  3. Employee Rights. Unlike the employment contract, it is indicated here the rights arising from the functions of the structural unit and the organization. For example, participation in projects and development, decision-making in accordance with the powers, training and advanced training.
  4. The list of documents that the employee must be guided by: orders, instructions, regulations.
  5. The procedure for interaction with other employees. It is indicated by the main circle of persons, the procedure of subordination or manual, timing and regulations for the provision of information and responses to requests.
  6. The responsibility of the employee. When specifying measures of responsibility, reference to the appropriate regulatory act (GK, TK or CC) is required.
  7. The procedure for evaluating work. The criteria for assessing the qualities of the employee (competence, initiative, professional literacy) and work (results, quality and timeliness of implementation) are indicated. The motivational component is also prescribed (gifts, premiums, promotion) and punishment for non-fulfillment (fines, reprimands).
  8. Final part: Date of entry into force, signatures.

On our site you can download samples of job descriptions:

Do not forget that the job instruction is not a personal document. It is drawn up to a specific position, without specifying names. Otherwise, you will have to redo the document when dismissing the employee.

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