What is the stratification of seed flowers

What is the stratification of seed flowers

In the latitude of moderate climate, seeds are not adapted immediately after they were collected, to give germanities. They need resting period. So that they do better after "hibernation", they need to be prepared - stratify. Literally "Stratification" is a glorification.

How to spend stratification? We take something like that: large sand, peat, moss sphagnum or a mixture of these ingredients, and can be wool. To destroy the microbes, the sand is preheated in the oven. Moisten the substrate with water in proportion 4: 1. We lay the mixture into plastic food bags. Pre-etched seeds in the solution of fungicides evenly distribute on top of the substrate and sprinkle dry sand. Moisten the surface and cover so that the mixture does not swam. Substrate 4 parts, seeds - 1 part.


Seeds of colors from family of buttermall, original color, peonies, advocate, bells are suling late in the fall in the ground - this is natural stratification.


But not all colors seeds easily board. Many plants in order to climb, the effect on them is alternately low and high temperatures. For those colors that cannot be planted directly into the soil without preprocessing, we use 2 types of stratification: warm and cold. Warm stratification is suitable for seeds who will underdesence the germin (lemongrass, dolphinium, clematis, lavender, buttercup, peony and others). Basic requirements: Increased humidity and dark room, the temperature of which is 15-22 ° C.


Cold stratification. Suitable for all herbaceous perennials. Plastic bag with substrate and seeds we leave for 2-7 days in a warm place with a temperature of + 20-22 ° C. During this time, the seeds swell. Then we put the mixture in the refrigerator or basement. Temperature should be plus, but do not exceed + 7 ° C. Capacity with seeds periodically shake, we carry out, follow the mold formed. Major seeds are swore, throw out the fallen. In the refrigerator, colors seeds withstand from 3 to 18 weeks:

  • primulus, aconites, Aquillegia put in the freezer for several hours, then into the refrigerator;
  • dioxure, aysodegity, catchment, privacy, anemones, hostes with the refrigerator 1 month;
  • barbaris, astranition - 2 months;
  • magonia - 4 months;
  • the crude fruits of rosehip in the fall in the fall in the substrate from coarse sand and the ground with the addition of negated lime, the substrate moisturize with sulfuric acid, diluted with water (1 part of the acid, 3 parts of the water.


After the end of the stratification, the seeds are sorted, the sprouted sprouts are carefully transferred to the ground and extinguish. Seeds of non-proof sprouts soaked in some stimulant growth ("epin", "zircon").


If there is no time to wait, stratification can be carried out in a rapid pace. The substrate from sand, sawdust and filter paper is moisturizing a special solution consisting of gibberlin - 0.2-1 g, alcohol - 2-5 ml, water - 1 liter. The substrate together with seeds place in a cold place for 7-8 days. Then the prepared seeds are sulking into the ground.


We are stratifying all the flowers if we want them in the spring to give mass shoots.

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