How to choose bulbs flowers

How to choose bulbs flowers

Lukovichnyh although they bring a lot of trouble, but very popular among dacnis, thanks to a long life expectancy, relative simplicity of breeding and accessibility. But the key to a beautiful and long-lasting flowering is the right selection of planting material.

Buying the bulbs of flowers is best at the end of August or in early September, because so you buy the planting material of this year. It is best to buy bulbs immediately before you are going to plant it. Choose bulbs in specialized stores, so you will be confident in their proper transportation, storage and origin of the material. In addition, there are so more chances that you buy exactly the grade you want, and not by chance that the bulbs of unknown origin. You can also purchase landing material directly from the manufacturer in special garden farms.

Cut shop

When buying carefully inspect the bulbs of colors - they should be smooth, smooth, clean, elastic, with neat flakes. There should be no mechanical damage - not a change in color, no smell, nor points or stains - all this can talk about diseases and pests. Click on the bottom of the bulbs - if it fails, then the bulb is infected. Refrain from buying such a bulb and generally planting material in this store - if the bulbs are stored all together, then others may well also be infected with patients.


When buying, be sure to specify in the seller, whether the antobacterial treatment of bulbs was carried out. And if not, then purchase the packaging of the fungicide - the drug that disinfect the planting material. Make sure that in the package there is an instruction manual for breeding and use of the drug, and that it is suitable for this type of bulbous.


Not only the strength of flowering depends on the size of the bulb, but also its price. The best plants that have grown out of large and medium-sized bulbs, but they will cost you more. You can buy smaller bulbs and stock patience for a year or two, when the bulb reaches maturity.

It must be remembered that even the best planting material may eventually not ascend - it depends on many factors, starting with those, which you are unable - this is a correct cleaning, processing, storage and transportation, to those to those control - Proper landing and care. Therefore, before planting bulbs, see all information on these plants.


Even novice gardeners are able to grow beautiful flowers from good bulbs. To do this, it is worth only to choose high-quality planting material, attach a little effort to preserve it and landing and in the spring you will delight first shoots, and behind them and flowers.

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