Russian language is known for its wealth and versatility. The same phenomenon can be described in completely different options, and often the number of these options is unlimited. In many respects, synonyms helps to achieve this multifaceted.
What are synonyms?
Synonyms are lexical units that have the same or similar meaning. Most often, synonyms are meant by separate words. But synonyms can perform phrases and even entire proposals.
In addition, synonyms are not always equivalent units. So, the whole phrase may have the same meaning as one word. This is often found in the case of phraseological units and proverbs: to be broken down - rush.
Another common phenomenon in modern language is when the name of the own becomes synonymous with the overall concept. The easiest example is "google" instead of "searching on the Internet".
Types of synonyms
In Russian distinguish the following types of synonyms:
- absolute synonyms;
- semantic synonyms;
- stylistic synonyms;
- contextual synonyms.
When all the values \u200b\u200bof the words and their shades coincide, we are talking about absolute synonyms. Such a phenomenon is quite rare in the language, as it is simply impractical to have two or more names for the same subject or phenomenon. Most often, absolute synonyms are found when words have different origins. An example may be the words "alphabet" and "alphabet": the first of them is old Slavonic, and the second is borrowing from the Greek.
Semantic synonyms have only one general meaning, but all others differ or do not match. For example, the words "run" and "race" coincide in the value "Fast movement forward", but otherwise they are different and can not always replace each other.
Stylistic synonyms indicate the same thing, while have different color. For example, in a conversation with his patient, the doctor will never say "muzzle" or "physiognomy" instead of a neutral "face", although all three words are synonymous and denote the same part of the body.
And the last form of synonyms - contextual synonyms. Consider an example: "My neighbor always surprised me with his purposefulness: in childhood he knew that he wanted from life and always walked to this, and now he achieved everything that he wanted. This guy is an excellent example of how people achieve their goals. " In this statement, the words "my neighbor", "he" and "this guy" are synonyms, as they denote one person, but outside the context they do not relate to each other. These are contextual synonyms.
Functions Synonyms
The language always strives for simplicity and clarity, therefore, on the one hand, it seems stupid that there are many words to designate one subject. But synonyms have their important tasks, and their presence does a full language.
First, with the help of synonyms, you can express your emotions and attitudes towards what is said, as in the example with a face and face. Agree, in the first version of the author's attitude to what has been said much more distinct than in the second.
Secondly, synonyms have a clarifying function. The listing similar to the meaning of words enhances the value of each of them and the total phrase. The phrase "All these disagreements, collisions and conflicts cannot be solved by a peaceful way" sounds convincing than if one word was used from the entire listing.
And thirdly, each word from the synonymic series can describe different aspects of the object being indicated. For example, synonyms for the word "dandelion" are "fellow", "milkman", "yellow chicory". So, the "pavement" indicates the flower petals that fly away from each blow of the wind, "milkman" testifies to the presence of milk in the stem, and the "yellow chicory" is primarily concentrated on the plants color.