What to give to the teacher

What to give to the teacher

Did you think about whether to give your children a gift to the teacher at all? Whether it's a special case, a holiday or simply because you appreciate his hard work and dedication. Many parents believe that the best way to manifest generosity and attentiveness is the presentation of a small gift. It may be any subject that is used by the teacher or a thing that gives pleasant memories.

What to give to the teacher - flowers or plants in pots

First of all, if you are going to bring flowers, make sure the class has a vase and a place for a bouquet. Teachers tables are usually engaged in school supplies. Potted plants will be a great idea if the teacher loves them.

What to give to the teacher - a school bouquet

Crowded classes and forgetfulness of children are the reason for the lack of school supplies in the lessons. Make your child's teacher a practical gift that can be made with children in one evening.

  • Align the pencils on the outside of the vase. Use double-sided adhesion to fix them in place.
  • Tie a ribbon around the pencils.
  • Fill in the inner of the vase with a floral sponge.
  • Rear parts of school supplies stick to the wand.
  • As soon as the glue dries, insert sticks in a sponge.
  • Fill all the free gaps with artificial colors to complete the composition.

What to give to the teacher - photo book

All class students can participate in its preparation. Help your teacher remember excursions, performances and other special moments of the year, creating a cool photo album. You can print photos and place them immediately into the album by selecting an interesting background and adding the desired text.

What to give to the teacher - school basket

Each teacher appreciates school supplies, since never once I have to buy them from the salary. These are subjects that are constantly required under the hour of school process: markers, crayons, notepads, antiseptic napkins, paper clips, eraser or pencils. Fill with the colorful basket, which can be updated next year.

What to give to the teacher - a notebook

Help your teacher start working on lesson planning with a new notebook. Its small size is perfect for small bags, and his time teacher can paint strictly by day and hours.

What to give to the teacher - tie

For a charismatic teacher who really helped your child succeed in studying this year, a funny surprise will be a substantive silk tie.

What to give to the teacher - books and materials for class

Today's teacher is difficult to have time for changes in the school program, so it constantly requires new special books, DVDs and programs. The school librarian can give a list of what your teacher needs, including not only names related to the curriculum, but also subscriptions to professional logs or DVDs.

Washing Scratch Travel Map as a gift to the teacher

An excellent gift for the history teacher, geography or any teacher, loving travel, will be the original scratch card. Erasing the coin is a special golden layer, the teacher will share the interesting stories of his travels.

What to give to the teacher - Relaxation kit

After a long strained day, the teacher should relax. Please make them a special set for recreation. It may include various types of tea, a massager for the head or soothing oils.

What should not be given to the teacher

  • Coffee mugs. If the teacher gets only three mugs per year, how many will accumulate them in five years? Few people have such a space in the closet.
  • Home decor. If you were not at home in the teacher and do not know his interior, avoid purchasing a decorative framework, tablets or other home decor.
  • Bakery. You can not know about restrictions in the diet or allergies of your teacher.
  • Personal hygiene items should not be given to unfamiliar people.
  • Tiny frames for paintings, figures and other baubles can clutch the house. However, a surprise made with her hands will take a special place in his heart.
  • Coffee or tea. Do not think that every teacher drinks coffee or tea.

The choice of a gift is to approach responsibly so that the purchased thing was practical and necessary for your teacher.

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