What does physics study?

What does physics study?

Every day we are faced with different physical phenomena in everyday life. And I don't ask yourself any questions why the sunset is red, why the milk is white, why do we know how to swim, why do clouds arise and snow is there? All these and many other phenomena with ease explains physics. In the end, this is not only science with dry formulas and incomprehensible laws, it is a fascinating and interesting science.

What is physics?

  • Physics is a science that uses basic concepts, such as an electric charge, atom, inertia, movement, entropy and power to comprehend the world around us.
  • Given the latitude of the area of \u200b\u200bstudying physics, it can be considered a fundamental or central science, since it includes chemistry, biology, electronics within its research.
  • Physics, in his attempt to describe natural phenomena with accuracy and truthfulness, reached unthinkable limits. Current knowledge covers a description from microscopic particles, prior to the birth of stars in the universe and even move them with very high probability.


  • Physics systematically studies the phenomena of nature, trying to find the main laws that they manage. It uses mathematics as its language and unites theoretical and experimental studies to obtain proper laws.
  • Sections of physics are studying the movement of the bodies, the behavior of light and radiation, sound, electricity and magnetism, the inner structure of atoms and atomic nuclei, the behavior of liquids and gases, as well as the properties of materials.
  • Physics is a science that is in constant change in search of laws with ever wider ranges of reality.


What does physics study?

All that studies physics is based on the pillars that are:

  • Mechanics are a branch of physics that is responsible for learning the movement of matter when it is exposed to different forces. This branch is divided into two concrete branches: classical mechanics and quantum mechanics.
  • Classical mechanics are responsible for studying the laws of the physical movement of objects and forces that cause these movements. Includes the study of laws that affect and control the movement of tel.
  • Quantum mechanics are a branch of physics, which is responsible for studying the behavior of smaller particles, such as electrons, neutrons and an atom protons. Quantum mechanics are responsible for studying the behavior of atomic particles when it does not comply with the classical laws of Newtonian mechanics.
  • Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that is responsible for learning the temperature in relation to energy. Thus, thermodynamics studies the effect of work, temperature and energy in the system, mainly on large-scale observations.


Main areas of study and sections of physics

Classical physics. This branch of physics is responsible for the study of the laws of movement and gravity raised by Isaac Newton, and the theory of kinetics and thermodynamics proposed by James Clerk Maxvel. This physicist focuses mainly on matter and energy, considering them as independent entities. Acoustics, optics, classical mechanics and electromagnetism are the main industries from which classical physics feeds.

Modern physics - This is a branch of physics, which primarily responsible for the study of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Albert Einstein and Max Planck were pioneers of modern physics, being the first scientists who introduced the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics into a scientific world. As part of the ideas proposed by modern physics, energy and matter are not considered independent entities, but rather with different forms of the same concept.


Nuclear physics - This is a branch of physics, which is responsible for the study of component elements, structure, behavior and interaction of the atomic nucleus. Some encyclopedias define this physics industry as a person responsible for the study of all elements associated with the atomic core. In the modern era, nuclear physics had a big boom. Even today, this branch of physics makes it possible to produce nuclear energy, nuclear weapons and some medicines.

Atomic physics - This is a branch of physics, which is responsible for studying the composition of the atom regardless of its kernel, studies the behavior of electrons rotating around the kernel.

Geophysics - This is a branch of physics, which is responsible for learning the behavior of the Earth. Its focuses on the study of the shape of the globe, its structure and composition. Therefore, it is responsible for the study of gravitational forces, magnetic fields, magma and volcanic eruptions.

Biophysics - This is an interdisciplinary study of biological phenomena and problems using the principles, methods and tools of physics. Biophysics is responsible for the study of biological problems and molecular structures derived from all living organisms. One of the main achievements of biophysics was the definition of the structure and composition of DNA.

Acoustics.The word acoustics comes from the Greek word "Akouen", which means "hear". Thus, acoustics can be defined as a branch of physics, which is responsible for learning how the sound is created is transmitted, accepted and monitored. Naturally, this branch is responsible for studying the effects of sound in different environments (gas, liquid and solid).


Optics- This is a branch of physics, which is responsible for the study of all phenomena associated with the propagation, behavior and properties of light. Light is a component of an electromagnetic spectrum, which extends from X-rays to microwaves and includes radiant energy that makes it possible to feel the feeling of visibility.

Astrophysics.The word astrophysics comes from the combination of the words "astro", which means a star and "physical", which means nature. Thus, astrophysics can be defined as a branch of physics, which is responsible for learning stars, galaxies, planets and all components of the universe, using the laws of physics.

So, physics is a natural science that studies the properties of space, time, matter and energy and their interaction. Physics is not just a theoretical science, it is experimental science. Physics studies matter, its movement and behavior for a certain time and space. It can be said that physics is a natural science that studies the behavior of bodies in the universe, therefore studies how the universe behaves. This is one of the oldest academic disciplines, its existence is dated to the advent of astronomy.

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