What if the child confused the day with the night?

What if the child confused the day with the night?

Young families after the birth of the kid have to survive a lot of problems and face the incredible number of large and small difficulties, especially if the child is the first and mom does not always know that in every particular situation to do or take. One parents are incredibly lucky and their children are completely subordinate to the regime and sleep and awake as "doctor prescribed". Everything is much sadder about the parents, whose children sleep a little and cry much. And those who have children even confused the day at night, deserve universal sympathy, they have the most difficult.

What does it mean "the child confused day and night"?

Violation of sleep mode is not at all what many people imagine. If your baby has a pair of nights, it is a judicial nonsense, a confluence of circumstances, no more. This violation of the sleep and waking mode is when the kid not only does not want to sleep in the time-laid time, here we mean the night, but requires attention, wants to have fun, play, demands that he will be taken on the handles, or put in walkers, depending From age, while such a process is not one-time, but systemic character. At the same time, in the daytime, the kid most often most often was immersed in sleep.

At the same time, the kid respects exactly such rhythms as they used to be in the afternoon, for example, a couple of hours sleeps, then 3-4 hours actively awake. Or completely refuses to fit throughout the night. At the same time, the baby himself does not suffer from such a violation, it is completely suited and no deviations in health are observed. Kids, in fact, there is still no feeling of day and night, and they are absolutely no matter when sleeping and awakening, they do not notice changes, unless, of course, sleep disorders are not associated with some disease, whose symptoms are tormented by the baby and do not give Normally fall asleep at last time. But the parents are usually incredibly suffering from such confusion.

For what reasons failure in sleep and wake mode?

  • Young mothers are important to know that if the baby suffered from intrauterine hypoxia, then his nervous system in the first months of life will be extremely excited, it is this fact that it is determined to cause a violation of the regime. And if the baby is still too abundantly jumping, then you should turn to a neurologist to give advice and prescribed treatment if necessary.
  • Sleep mode can betented if the kid is tormented by painful colic. With the elimination of the problem, the dream will restore and everything will work out. The pain does not give to sleep, the baby is worn and suffers. Usually painful sensations retreat in the morning and the exhausted child falls asleep, and sleeps during the day, restoring power. If such a tendency continues and the tummy will be hurting by night, then sleep and awake at night just go into the habit of kid.
  • If in the room where the child is sleeping, the conditions do not allow to fall asleep and sleep, it can also be the cause of the failure in mode: it can be high humidity, heat, cold, noise, bright lighting.
  • In case the baby slept too long during the day, or on the second or third day sleep, it was laid too late, it is natural that at night he just does not want to sleep and will assume that time came for games and fun.
  • If the baby could not quickly throw out the energy in the afternoon and was passive, then this energy can find a way out at night and manifests itself in insomnia. Parents must actively play and spend time with the baby in the afternoon, so that he really was tired and wanted to sleep.
  • If the kid is too transported before bedtime, he played too actively, then an imperfect nervous system can give a crash and will not give the baby to sleep. Before bedtime, you need to play more calmly than in the afternoon, gradually cooking a child to sleep.
  • Also, the cause of the breakdown of the sleep mode can be the absence of a system in a dream and nutrition.

How to return the regime in normal course?

Of course, the situations with violation of the regime is better not allowed. However, this does not always depend on parents. It is possible to fix it, but a certain amount of effort and strong nerves will be required.

  • Try to entertain and enthrace the child in the afternoon, do not create ideal silence, demonstrate as much as possible that now day and not the time to sleep.
  • Control daytime sleep and waking intervals. The child should play more during the day and sleep less. If you see that the child wants to sleep outside the plan, then take it as much as possible by trying to reach until the next sleep time. And do not let's sleep longer.
  • Usually for three months, the parents know exactly how much the child sleeps in the afternoon. Sleep time should not exceed the current norm, then there will be no problems with the regime.
  • The room before bedtime, the baby must be carried out, the bed is perhaps, humidity and temperature - normal. Keep track of noise and illumination they should not exceed the usual.
  • Before bedtime, you bathe a baby in soothing vegetable fees, it will help calm down and tune in to sleep.
  • At night sleep, a child is worth sending no later than 09:00 pm. The last daytime sleep will end no later than 18:00.
  • Before bedtime it is worth abandoning active pastime and 1-1.5 spend, talking to a child, telling fairy tales, playing quiet games.
  • If the baby woke up at night, but not crying - tolerate and do not run to him. There is a chance that it will fall asleep without your help.

If still happened so that the baby confused the day and night and tormented you with night voyages, then you should not let the situation on samonek, hoping that everything will be done by itself. Immediately begin to take active measures to return the kid regime in the usual direction.

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Helena 08/08/2019 at 17:34

It is quite possible and that, because of the flight, the child somehow had a dream, and he began to sleep during the night and at night awake, but we managed to fix this to return home, we simply did not go to sleep during the day and started giving baby formula of the Bebie Calm, as a result, the child returned to normal and the behavior became much calmer)

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