How to cover the roof in the country

How to cover the roof in the country

When choosing a roofing coating for giving, the parameters of materials, the scope and the subtleties of their operation are taken into account. Considerations of a budget nature can serve as a significant argument, but should not be the only criterion for solving the problem. Consider the pros and cons of common materials.

Flat roofs with a small slope (3-5 °) are covered with roller materials. Ruberoid, Pergamine and Tola are inexpensive varieties suitable for temporary protection for up to 4-6 years. The durable roof is made of paintings made on a polymer or fiberglass base. Rolled products are conditionally divided into three types:

  • Frown - glued using gas burners;
  • With the adhesive layer applied - for fixing it is only necessary to remove the protective film;
  • Fixed with hot or cold mastics.

Rolled materials of various price categories are presented on the market:

  • Economy-"glassisol", "bicrost", RPP-300;
  • Standard - “Linker”, “Ecoflex”, “Uniflex Vent”;
  • Premium-“Vestoplast”, “Technoelast”, Logicroof V-RP.


Soft (bitumen) tiles - small sheets carved by a uniform pattern. It is made of modern bitumen materials, covered with a decorative layer and sprinkling. It has advantages:

  • Little weighs;
  • Convenient for installation alone;
  • Suitable for roofs of any configuration;
  • Absorbs the sound of rain;
  • There are no waste.


  • Fire;
  • Requires a continuous base;
  • Not ventilated;
  • High final cost.


Asbestos -cement slate of wavy profile is used for attic roofs, canopies and unheated rooms. It withstands the snow load, slightly heats up from the sun and does not soak. Good longitudinal rigidity of the ABC slate allows you to mount sheets for a rare crate. Whested technology and cheap raw materials provide the material with low cost and mass use.

Characteristic shortcomings:

  • Heavy - one sheet weighs at least 22 kg;
  • Side - requires neat installation;
  • Over time, it is covered with moss from the north side;
  • Contains harmful components;
  • Unsuitable for complex roofs.

Euro -shifer is saturated with bitumen composition of glass chuckle. Light material is simply processed, adjusted for bends rafter system. Various sizes, profiles and colors are available. Suitable for simple repair through bitumen patching, has excellent noise absorption. Suitable for straight roofs and does not need a powerful basis.

Cons of bitumen slate:

  • Goryuch:
  • Large consumption of boards on the crate - a step of not more than 100 mm;
  • Can be deformed under the weight of a person;
  • The service life depends significantly on the integrity of the manufacturer.


The roof of the metal is non -combustible, light and quite stiff. Sheets of direct or decorative profile are mounted with rubber washers. Products can be available in various thicknesses, which affects the cost and durability of the metal roof. There are several varieties:

  • Folding roof - the connection of the elements is carried out using special seams;
  • Metal tiles - small molded sheets made of galvanized iron that imitate natural tiles;
  • Professionalist - made up to 6 m long and different profile height, affecting the stiffness of the material, as well as one step between the battens of the crate.

All metal roofs are very hot from the sun, with deformation do not restore its original appearance.


The choice of roof for summer house - The problem is primarily engineering, taking into account constructive and bearing features of both the roof and the entire building.

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