Frozen sewage what to do

Frozen sewage what to do

Sewerage made in all rules cannot freeze in winter. After all, the estates are not stored, and at the exit have room temperature. However, due to the installation errors, the system freezing is still happening. The formation of ice in pipes prevents the normal flow of uncleanness and simply annoys. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately eliminate the problem. How to defrost the sewer, not referring to the specialists, learn further.

Initially, find out the reason for the formation of an ice cork. Perhaps later (in spring, summer) you will have to redo the sewer system. Otherwise, the next year in the frost you will again come across this trouble. The main disadvantages of the installation of pipes include:

  • Pipes for sewage have insufficient diameter.
  • The small slope of the pipes, as a result of impurities, flow at low speed and gradually freeze. There is a risk that the ice tube will pull out the entire length of the pipe.
  • Failure to comply with the depth of the freezing. Such a sewer will be removed, otherwise you cannot use it in the frost.
  • Not enough insulation is not provided.
  • The presence of a blockage.
  • Failure to comply with wastewatering in septic.
  • Small crane leaks lead to the altitude of ice before septic, in the future it leads to a traffic jam.

If the pipe metal and the plug is in an affordable place, it is heated by a soldering lamp or a gas burner. Remember that heated sharply place where ice can not. Cast iron pipes warm bottom up. Open warm water so that melt water run out of the system. Follow the rules for use burner and soldering lamp.

Again, with the help of heating, the metal pipe is not difficult to defrost by the conventional welding machine. To do this, you will need access to both ends of the frozen pipe. We dress terminals on them, turn on the device. The pipe will begin to warm up, respectively, ice melts. The process is long, be patient.

Plastic pipes can not warm the methods described above. For a suitable sewerage defrosting hot water. And just pour boiling water into the pipe is not always effective. If the plug is away, the water is cool, not reaching it, the ice has melted. The hot water should be fed exactly on the frozen portion in the pipe. To reach this place, there is supplied a hose with a smaller diameter. On the free end of it put on great Lake (Esmarch mug), which is poured boiling water. Place a container to drain immediately, as the uncleanness of the pipe will move back up as long as the plug is not podtaet. Well, if there is a boiler, in which case the hose is put on the crane. Hot water in the water heater should be enough to defrost drain.

Copes well with ice steam generator. Of course, this device is expensive - but it is very effective to eliminate traffic jams. Firstly, the steam generator is easy to use. Just insert all the way into an obstacle within the pipe steam pipe, turn the appliance and wait until the ice thaws. Secondly, the device is almost safe to use.

Defrost water drain pipe

If the ice plug small size, and the pipe is long, then it will unfreeze hot water with salt. Namely, the drains sprinkle salt and post to the flow of hot water. Within an hour, the ice melted. Unfortunately, there are times when the defrost tube does not work because of its complete freezing and poor access to the sewer system. This is possible with a small slope and shallow depth of laying. There will only alteration system and the insulation of the pipe.

Now you know what to do with frozen sewer. But this is not the point. The main one is: to establish the causes of the phenomenon, and then the removal of deficiencies in the warmer months. Note that the slope of the pipe should be not less than 2 cm per meter. A freezing depth look here.

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