Broke the pipe what to do

Broke the pipe what to do

The water supply breakthrough is a typical "autumn" problem for residents of apartment buildings. It is at the beginning of the heating period, conjugate with debugging work and water pressure drops in the pipes, there is a largest number of utility accidents. In addition to the spoiled mood, flooding and leaks of communications are fraught with a damage of property (their neighbor) and closing electrical wiring. Let's figure out how to act in the event of a breakthrough of the pipe so that an unexpected "flood" in the apartment costs minimal losses of nerves and financial resources.

The main causes of breakthroughs

Such a nuisance as a breakthrough of the pipes can happen in every home. Emergency leaks most often occur due to mechanical wear and metal corrosion or due to violation of the technology of connecting plumbing devices and incorrect installation of threaded connections. The factors provoking the breakthroughs of the water supply can also be attributed to the inattention of the tenants themselves - ignoring even occasionally driving cranes in the future can turn into an unforeseen "homely flood".


First actions in the breakthrough

The first thing to be done during the breakthrough is to immediately notify the accident of the employees of Zh A. In the event that PE accounted for the weekends or holidays - urgently call the emergency service. In the meantime, overcoat the water supply to the emergency site - for this it is enough to turn the handle of the valve located near the meter fixing the consumption of cold / hot water. If the heating pipe or the radiator broke through, it will have to wait for the arrival of the masters - the ventilation systems are usually located in the basement of the house, which is usually located under the lock. In this situation, substitute a wide container under the leakage and try to reduce the intensity of the fountaining flow of water (for example, cover the hole with a blanket or a large dense towel).

Pipe Santeh.

Elimination of leaks with their own hands

Temporarily suspend flow and restore the tightness of the damaged pipe with the following methods.

The first method. Setting the rubber patch to the placech

For the temporary repair of the flowing section of the pipe, you will need a rubber tape of a suitable size and a pair of clamps. First, wrap the damaged place in several layers of rubber. Then secure the applied pay on both sides with the help of clamps, clamping the mounting screws to the maximum stop. To wind up the emergency area, you can use any rebound rubber products (for example, a piece of a bicycle or car chamber that burst the ball or a watering hose), durable wire or medical harness will rise as a clamp.

Pipe rubber paid

The method of the second. Seeling breaks with self-build

Sealing a small fistulating hole in the pipe can be using such a universal assistant as a self-tapping screw. To begin with, drill a fistula with a drill, then replace the metal drill on the tap nozzle and cut the threads in the prepared hole. Now it remains to mock the self-press with Press Zaviba to the breakthrough place. This method allows to eliminate leakage even under pressure of water, but it is absolutely unsuitable for repairing old pipes - cutting of the worn metal can lead to an increase in the diameter of the samples.


The third way. Repair of bars with epoxy glue

A large breach in the pipe can be temporarily seal by overlapping the adhesive bandage. First, thoroughly clean the emergency plot from rust and paint and degrease the breakthrough seat with acetone or White Spirit. Then cut out the ribbon of the appropriate size from the canvas and suprate it with epoxy glue. Next, the prepared ribbon is tightly wrap around the emergency tube around the circle. Place the turns of the fiberglass with the allen, without the slightest gnesks and the chances. At the end of the sickness, lock the tape on both sides with metal ties or clamps. Consider that it takes 20-24 hours for complete secrecy.

Pipe Adhesive Bandage

Breakthrough pipes: define responsible persons

At the affected by the breakthrough, the residents of the residents arise a natural question, which is responsible for the serviceable condition of the pipes. Decide with the perpetrators of what happened PE is quite simple:

  • For water supply pipes, located before the first from the main riser of the valve, is responsible for the home-controlled organization. The rest of the water supply is responsible for the owners of the apartment.
  • For the pipes of heating and the radiators connected to them also responds to the HSEK. However, if the owners of the housing independently installed new heating devices or modernized the old, from the above organization is fully removed responsibility for the incidental accident.


To avoid a repeated breakthrough, from time to time carefully examine the water supply and pipes of the heating system and when the slightest leaks are detected, proceed to their immediate repair. As they say, "the best solution to the problem is its warning."

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