What time and on what law it is possible to exchange goods

What time and on what law it is possible to exchange goods

The desired, deliberate purchase is an undoubted reason for joy. But not always the acquisition is successful, sometimes it is quickly a disappointment in a purchased thing. What to do in such a situation: to be sighing about pasty money spent or confidently carry a purchased product back?

The answer is unequivocal - do not pull the time and return the goods to the store. And it is also worth familiar with the "Law on Consumer Protection Law" in order to confidently appeal with information about its consumer rights.

Exchange or Return Terms

The buyer has the right to return the goods to the store or exchange it within 14 days. But not every product is refundable.

You can return the goods if:

  • the goods are non-food;
  • the goods were purchased without factory marriage, defects, breakdowns;
  • the goods were not in use, i.e. Packaging has been saved, there are all tags and labels;
  • the goods are not spoiled by the buyer after the acquisition;
  • the buyer has a check with herself confirming the purchase of goods from this seller.

In the event that, after purchasing goods, the buyer was selected or an external defect, it can refer to the seller demanding:

  • the exchange of goods on a similar one or the goods of another brand with the recalculation of value;
  • gratuitous elimination of the shortcomings of goods or components;
  • return of the cost of goods.

Which goods can not be returned or exchanged for similar

Some categories of goods are not refundable, so when buying needs to be especially attentive to possible defects and disadvantages.

The seller will refuse you in the return or exchange of goods if you purchased:

  • food goods;
  • medicines or other objects of medicine;
  • cosmetic preparations and toiletries;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • linens;
  • underwear and hosiery;
  • dishes and cutlery;
  • household chemicals and agrochemicals;
  • products made of precious metals;
  • animals and plants;
  • printing products.

The inability to return the above products is related to the fact that their consumer properties can be violated, even if there are no visible traces of use or exposure.

How to Return or Exchange Product: Guide to action

So, you purchased the goods, but quickly disappointed in a perfect purchase and regret the spent money. Let's consider in detail the actions algorithm in this situation.

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the check is preserved. It is his present to the seller when returning the goods. But what if the check is irretrievably lost or just left at the shop in the store? The law and in this case becomes the side of the buyer. In the absence of a check, the Buyer is invited to use testimony and confirm the fact of purchase. This wording is rather evasive, because the witness is most often a cashier and a couple-triple of completely unfamiliar people from the queue.

In practice, the purchase confirmation procedure in the absence of a check is usually carried out by viewing information from the cash register. When buying the seller records the name and article of the goods, as well as the amount paid for him, taking into account the discount. To search for this information, you just have enough day and approximate purchase time. Often, stores refuse to meet the buyer in the absence of a check, but their refusal in this case is unlawful. You can safely remind the seller about paragraph 1 of Article 25 of the "Consumer Rights Protection Act".

For the exchange of goods, the provision of a check is enough. But if you need to return money for the purchased thing, you need to consider a few more points.

  • The question with the check is settled, and further, in the event of a refund, you must provide the seller your passport. This condition is mandatory, you should not be alarming interest in your personal data. The issuance of money from the cashier is carried out using the expenditure order, when filling it in accordance with the current norms, the buyer's passport details must be specified.
  • The seller has the right not to return money to you at the time of handling. The law states that money must be returned to you no later than 10 days after presentation of the relevant requirement. Be careful! The seller can use this period for its purposes. Turning to the seller after the specified period, you risk to hear that 14 days to return the goods have expired, and earlier no requirements from you have been received. To avoid this situation, ask the seller to sign your written application from the current date about the return of the purchase. Be sure to make an application in two copies or make it a copy. One copy with the date of circulation and the marker of the seller should stay at the buyer. This simple technique will protect you from dishonest actions from the seller.

If all the conditions are observed, then soon in your hands will be a suitable thing or your budget will be replenished with previously spent money. Knowledge of own rights and obligations can greatly facilitate the solution of difficult household issues. Do not miss this attractive opportunity.

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