How to get right after deprivation

How to get right after deprivation

Most drivers never face the return of rights, as they keep most of the rules of the road. Obedient drivers are not threatened by deprivation of rights, because this is a serious punishment. Nevertheless, there are dozens of violators in Russia, who are deprived of a driver's license. Now we will tell you how to restore your rights to drive a car or motorcycle after deprivation.

How to get right after deprivation - what can you not do

So, the court appointed the verdict. Over the next 3 days after that, you will pass the driver's license to the nearest traffic police department. If you have a temporary resolution that allows you to control the transport, then do not try to sick. The law is provided by law. Smart drivers believe that they can safely ride in temporary resolution until they restore the rights. Be careful, to take a temporary resolution you need with the rights! This is important, otherwise the deprivation period will not begin. A similar attempt to evade the law simply will extend it. As soon as you surrender it, you will be given the corresponding document to be presented in court.

How and where to get right after deprivation

An application for a refund must be submitted about one month before the completion of the sentence. The appropriate paper is written precisely in the Division of the traffic police in which you have gone right. Be sure to specify where to send your certificate (region and division).

You can already repeat the theory of traffic rules - you will have to confirm the knowledge. If you were deprived of a driver's license for drunk riding, then this item will be mandatory.

How to get right after deprivation - theoretical exam

Back in 2013, a bill was adopted, implying the examination of the exam confirming the knowledge of the rules of the road.

Features of the theory:

  • You can proceed to pass the exam after the expiry of 50% of the deprivation period. So, if you are deprived of rights, let's say for 12 months, then you can donate testing 6 months after the start of the deprivation period.
  • If the exam was passed from the 1st time, then the re-pass will be available only after 7 days. That is, the theory can be rented no more than once a week.
  • Drivers, devoid of documents for a period up to one year exempt from the passing of the theoretical exam.

As practice shows, drivers do without problems pass the theoretical exam, but there will be no repetition of traffic rules.

How to get right after deprivation - payment of fines

To return the rights to management of the vehicle, since 2014, you need to pay absolutely all the traffic police fines that the driver received. Important moment: you cannot require payment for fines, obtained earlier than 2 years before deprivation of rights.

How to get right after deprivation - list of necessary documents

To restore a driver's license, you need to provide such documents:

  • Medical reference. Medical certificates should not provide all drivers - only those that were deprived of the rights for: drunk ride, the adoption of alcohol after detention, refusal to medical examination.
  • Statement. No statement is written in advance. You will be given a document confirming the end of the sense of certification. You will write and take your rights. For greater certainty, you can take a document on the delivery of theoretical knowledge and a court ruling.
  • Passport.
  • Paid fines. The inspector has the right to check the payment of fines for traffic violations.

How to get right after deprivation - early restoration of rights

Law does not provide an opportunity to restore a driver's license before the specified period by the court. Trying to give a bribe traffic police officer to return rights shall be punished according to article No291 - a bribe official.

Take the right specifically to the day when the deadline for their deprivation. Indefinitely lice right, no one will be stored. The maximum term of deprivation of not more than 3 years. If you do not take away the time, they will be destroyed. Now that you know how to restore the rights after their deprivation.

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